124: In the Moon Academy IV

Ares let out a loud yawn while walking out of his room. Stretching out himself, he looked around as he saw students passing by and staring at him.

They were staring at him and mumbling some gossips as they went pass. Ares Causally rolled his eyes "There they go again"

He ignored them and headed off. Ares was heading to his class that morning While thinking about how where his so-called master could be at.

"He doesn't even know how to be a good Master at all.. Doesn't he know that he's supposed to keep me by his side always and teach me every single stuff he knows " He Mumbled as he finally got to his class.

The door or portray which led them into their class was a blue one..And as soon as one Walked through the portal he'd find himself in a celestial hall room.

The Hall was a huge one with blue designs and aesthetics to match it's overall light blue color..There were generally blue dusts hi Erin around which were almost impossible to see.