127: In the Moon Academy VII

Ares blinked, staring at Myles. He briefly thought about what He had said and guessed it was rather true after all 

"But still that doesn't matter. Me losing at that time was only a mistake " Ares expressed "So give me a chance this time around and help me jump class"

Myles still had both hands behind him "Don't you know that if you wish to learn to become the best you need to start from the basics? So in summary all these lessons you're going through isn't in vain but rather something that will help you advance" Young Master Myles had expressed.

But it didn't seem like Ares wanted to hear that . He simply shocked his head "Whatever that may be, The fact is that I wish to jump class so don't worry about my basics. I'll learn them along the way while jumping" He expressed.

Myles sighed staring at him. He knew that he probably wasn't going to listen to what he had to say.