136: Advanced Class VI

Sona let out a soft yawn as soon as he opened her eyes.. But looking around, she didn't see herself in the room she had slept.

Rather she was in some kind of enclosed bag which was with Ares. She was certain of It because she had noticed movements which obviously belonged to Ares.

And not long, Ares had arrived at the gate.

"Where are you headed to?" One of the guards questioned.

"Young Master Myles gave me the permission to leave, so I don't think I need to fill you in on anything" He Causally replied as the guards Looked at each other.

They had let him through as Ares walked through the Huge portal of the Entrance gate. 

"Don't go there, Get back" Sona expressed from where she was as Ares stared into the place where he had put her..

"Huh? And what's that supposed to mean?" He questioned.