150: A Gem and a Plot II

"It was all a trap Just as I suspected" Ares mumbled to himself when he saw that Sona wasn't waking up.

Before embarking on this journey to get here, he had already known that something wasn't right m At least not for the fact about the Gem which he confirmed existed.. But the premises of it all seemed off. 

"The Gem" He quickly recalled as he got up to his feet.. He had quickly Looked around him for a while as he looked for the Gem.

It had fallen off so he was basically wondering where It had fallen off. This led him to approach the glittering rocks where he conducted a brief search and then found the Gem there in-between the rocks 

With a sigh, He slowly picked it up as he stared at the Gem at hand.

"This is it..."As Ares stared at the Gem which was in his hands, he had felt something coming onto him..And this led him into a quick dodge.

He had instantly pulled backwards, flexible enough to do a backflip and landed on a tall elevated rock.