157: The Lord's Visit III

"Huh? A dual?" Even the Moon deity seemed surprised as he asked, looking towards The fire lord's direction.

The fire lord simply Smiled with a nod "I'm just rather curious to know how far the New student of the Young Master Myles had gone in his learning here with Myles. I think he must have improved a great deal, don't you think so too?" The Fire lord stated.

"Sorry but I'm not interested in fighting with you at all. You should continue what you have come here to do and not throw your attention on me" Ares had replied, sharp and seemingly rude.

But he didn't seem to care how rude it was at all. He simply took up the cup of drink before him and sipped through it.

The atmosphere had gone awkward with Ares having spoken rudely to The Fire lord. Young Master Myles on the other hand simply looked for way to cover up.

"It means he agrees to fight with you" Young Master Myles Interrupted, telling Ares as Ares Looked towards his direction, shocked.