162: Mirror of Origin II

An hour journey through the clouds had brought these down to their destination..They had to pass through a Portal leading to a seemingly different dimension.

The New dimensions which they had stepped into was a Broad one. It was basically a world built on the clouds because they were literally standing in what seemed to be clouds.

Ares looked around the place which was rather fascinating in some ways. For the fact that the houses and building here we're relatively small and built of flowers and cloud, said a lot.

Ares could sense the atmosphere of where he was..He could tell what sort of things to expect here.

While he stood there looking around, Myles on the other hand had headed towards a much bigger building ahead 

Ares saw him leave and followed behind.

As soon as they arrived at the building which was roughly the size of their chest, They saw some group of Goblin appear

These little goblins were typically smaller than expected.