173: Memories V

Ares hesitated for while after receiving a strange feeling from within Myles' room..He had a feeling something was off, so he had the urge to go in and see.

Without hesitation, He had almost moved backwards to kick Open the door, when the door went sliding open automatically.

Ares paused as he stared at the door which had just opened on his own..He hesitated as he raised an eyebrow "Huh?" Then he slowly walked into the room to see what was wrong With Myles.

What Ares saw was Myles sitting on his bed with both legs crossed and hands folded..He had his eyes Closed in meditation as Clear energy roamed around him.

"Hey, Master. What are you doing?" Ares questioned but Myles still didn't move a muscle.

He hesitated before he slowly approached Myles.. He Stared at Myles who was Still in his position, Probably lost in his subconscious or something. Ares couldn't be sure about it.