176: One with the Weapon III

"Yeah, I should just try it and see how it goes. Maybe that will still be open for use. I guess" He thought as he closed his eyes.

He concentrated for awhile as the White Flute then changed into Black "Oh, They're the same... Just the color change? why then isn't it working?"

He thought as he placed the black flute on his lips and blew out a Melody. It worked as he desired.. Because a leaf petal which he had casted the spell on had fallen as he wished for.

He couldn't use extreme demon power here so he used minor tricks.

"It still works...why then won't the white one work? Is it influenced by Celestial power? If so I should have been a good learner and mastered it. But why isn't the Gem working..is it's effect fading"

Ares tried out other skills he and learnt from Myles and it worked out well. So it couldn't be the Gem.