197: A kid

The kid whom Sona had saved the previous day was sitting in the seat of his class. The class which was filled with kids his age was bustling with students doing different types of things like studying, chatting, playing and so on.

The kid was sitting before his table and the book on it as he Causally flipped through it while reading it quietly. The introverted looking kid had no intention of interacting with anyone.

And just then, the boys whom were after him approached his table.

"Hey you..."

He slowly looked up at them, fear and annoyance written all over face as he stared at them.

"Did you think you'd finally escape from us by hiding behind a lady? Are you that stupid or what?" Their leader questioned as he slapped his head..

He didn't retaliate.

Their leader continued " you should be glad that I'm in a good mood today else I'll deal with you that you won't even meet any person to hide from us if you ever see us!" He snapped at him.