201: Book Of Memories

The Ghost Version of Ares hesitated while staring at Ares. He had heard her say what she had wished to say and had felt a bit moved by her statement.

But regardless, he didn't seem like he was completely buying it.

"Whatever, I don't think I'll need you for anything at the point. I don't wish to send you off to the Novel anymore so you should just forget about it..."

"No .. I don't want to. I really need to get back there. Both you and the other you need me. and I can help him get through his stay there..."

The Ghost version stared at him "You can forget about it like I said" He looked away and contained operating his computer.

Sona let out a sigh, feeling dejected. "That's not fair" He expressed.

Just then as Sona watches him operating his phone, she had a certain thought that she had wanted to ask "But... didn't you see the kid?"

She inquired as as He looked up at her "Huh? What's that?" He Causally asked.