204: End You

Amidst the night, he had his eyes fixed on a spot in the forest.. He had the vision enabling him to see at night. And that was to his advantage.

He could feel something there .He could feel someone there.. And that person was watching him for a while now.

"Found you..."

He expressed as he quickly stretched out his hands towards the spot. A boomerang dagger had flew from his hands and towards the direction.

The weapon was heading towards the spot with instant speed that it was almost impossible for it not to hit the spot 

If anyone or anything was there, it was almost impossible for the weapon not to hit it. And like his speculations, The dagger boomerang had hit the spot.

And then deer fell out from the bush and to the floor. The dagger had hit it's hand so it fell down, bleeding and almost dead.

Ares stared at it, slightly confused.