208: Crumbling Memories I

Ares had both hands behind him as he walked into the interior part of the Fairy sect. He was heading towards the Palace part of the Sect where the Fairy lady was at.

But as he arrived there, Lots of guards had appeared at the scene. They gathered all around Ares with their weapons ready to attack.

Ares stared at them with a Causal expression on his face, He didn't seem bothered by them at all.

"Are you all being for real now? Is that what you're going to attack me with? Don't you like your lives?" He causally questioned as the guards looked at each other.

"Don't listen to him! Attack!" The leader of the guard ordered as some part of the guards attack with their swords.

As they forged ahead, Ares Causally opened his Palm. His flute appeared in his hands as he stared at them.