219: Guilt

Young Master Myles was seeing things in his sleep. He was seeing endless crashing of the atmosphere accompanied by his younger self constantly getting killed in these scenery.

It was a nightmare, A nightmare which he had been repeating for while now. And he couldn't end it.

He kept seeing his younger self getting bullied in one scene and then in another scene he'd see him get killed in the crumbling of the land.

Laying in his bed, he was panting endlessly with sweat already running down his face..He felt suffocated as he struggled to breathe while panting. But it doesn't seem like it was something he could keep for long.

He had been in this condition for awhile before he flipped open his eyes.. He stared at the ceiling where he was. 

He was looking at the ceiling of the room where he had found himself. It was his room. His room in the Moon Sect. At least he had found it familiar with that atmosphere.