221:A Kid's empty words

Sona stared at the kid with a slight smile dangling from the side of her lips. She didn't say much but causally stroked her hands over his head.

The little boy resisted by drawing backwards. Sona stared at the kid as she said.

"You know what? You should always stay away from such kids. Don't listen to what they have to say and don't even bother considering what they have to say" Sona Said.

Miles stared at her with a blink. He didn't bother replying.

She Continued" They're just bad kids who go around causing endlessly troubles and stuff, and if you get yourself mixed up with such kids. You'll be seen as a bad influence to the society"

"I don't care about that" He replied sharply" I don't care about what the society sees me as.. And I don't care about what anyone sees me as"

Sona stared at the kid. Although his reply might appear Causally and shallow, But it was pretty much deep. Sona could feel this coming from a little kid like him...