229: Acting Without Orders. Rebellion

The fairy lady was practically anxious as she stared at the Moon deity. The Moon Academy was the last place had Wanted to be talked off. She was literally avoiding it.. But now it Seemed like that wasn't possible anymore.

"We can't quickly jump into conclusion about the clue. It might appear that is there probably because of the attack.. But what if it's just a hit and run case just like what happened with My Sect" She had spoke up.

"I also agree with that too" The Fire lord added " I also think that it can't be seen as simple as it is shown.. Maybe there's more to it that what we see"

They were quietly for awhile as they thought about what he had said.

"I don't think so" The Moon deity had Interrupted " It's not just a leadless clue, But rather I think he's there. Even if he's not, I feel like his trace is somewhere there. so we have to play it quick and search around. Who knows Maybe we'll find something there"