234: Next Route

"I think he took it a little to personal" Ares said, following Myles behind "At a point, I got the feeling that he wasn't even fighting to save me or whatsoever.. but he was just fighting for himself "

Ares added "I Just felt like he was just fighting for his own freedom and used the chance to request what he had always wanted. To resign from his position" Ares explained.

"Oh, Poor thing" Sona expressed.

"There's no poor thing to it. He literally made me loose shelter and all. That was dramatic as f*ck" Ares almost rolled his eyes.

"Jeez, are you this ungrateful? You should at least be glad he saved you from getting your demon ass exposed. It's better to be safe as a no demon at the moment and have no roof under your head. Than to be known as a demon in jail, with a roof over your head" Sona snapped.

"Whatever. It all still ended in a mess. I wasn't even ready to pack out and leave.. it was all sudden" He stated.