"There's really trouble at the moment...The Demon Patriarch has appeared and the fairy lady had been killed"
The frost lord Said as they stood in The Moon deity's chamber room
Having Heard the news about The war that was actively happening at the Fairy sect, The lords of the four sect had gathered at the Moon deity's place.
"As it stands now...I don't think things are Looking good enough for the Fairy sect, The Demon Patriarch have barged into their land and killed their leader..Now they're left without a leader and also under his attack.. It's terrible" The Frost lord expressed further.
The fire lord's expression showed his restlessness..he couldn't believe that the fairy lady was dead.
It seems so unreal to him..and he wondered if it was right to tell the rest what had happened. And how. The fairy sect was working behind them all. But then again, he didn't think telling them would have any positive impact.