249: A mess

"what In the name of a mess is all this..." The immortals there expressed while looking at the scenery before them.

"We were so slow... that we couldn't have catch up with this so called Demon god. If then, we would have found out who he is ..Not I don't think we will anymore..." One expressed with a sigh.

"That's so Mysterious...Now we won't know who he is... Because apparently the Fairy sect is destroyed and no one probably survived to tell us any of taht"

The mess and destruction before them left them without words. They couldn't believe that the Demon god, was already one step before them. And had brought down the Fairy sect to it's doom.

All they could do now was stroll through the remaining Fairy sect and hope to find something living. At least something they could save.

Myles and Harr stood there, staring into the burning Kingdom.