274: Actions spoke louder

He guessed he really didn't have to reply to that. Actions, they say, speaks louder than words! 

And thus he pulled out his flute again and began playing some melody..The dark melody he was playing through his flute had began attacking John's brother.

John's brother was still on his knees and Unable to get up. And then the dark melody from the flute had gathered endless wrath upon him..

He felt himself being attacked by demon spirits that hit him from all angel. He fell left and right and wasn't able to Stop them.

He was too weak to do so..and therefore found himself falling down to the floor, bleeding the more.

Ares stared at him while playing the song..and didn't bother stopping. Rather he doubles the melody and had a huge dark demon beast crawl out from the ground.

This beast Walked out into the shadow and had grabbed John's brother by the hand. Ares stopped playing and Watched as this beast devoured John's Brother.