277: My World

They all stared at each other with the feeling of confusion running through their veins. They didn't know what to believe. They didn't know if this lad was talking the truth or was just bluffing. 

"How are we supposed to believe someone like you? It's not like you're trustworthy enough for us to believe someone like you..."

Before the voice from a pillar had spoken finish, Ares stretched out his hands and used his telekinesis to capture the invisible being.

His hand clenched in the air with dark smokes hovering through the sky. These darks smokes attacked the pillar as someone suddenly fell from the Pillar.

It was the immortal who was speaking.. This Immortal who was in form of a young man in blue attire had fallen off the Pillar and found himself landing hard on the floor.

While he struggled to get up on his feet, Ares casted another spell on him. He had used his power to grab him by the neck, Not giving him any room to breathe.