292: Break down

A massive storm was building up in the sky. And as they looked up, all they saw was basically a red and black lighting flashing through the sky.

Everyone stared up in the sky, confused.

"And what is he trying to do now?" young master Myles questioned. He didn't know what was happening at the moment, But it seemed The celestial Prince did.

His expression had changed. The Celestial prince stared at the Scene with worries running through his expression.

"This is bad.." He had declared.

"What's it...?" Ares asked.

"Thousands of years ago.. before the Demon Patriarch was subdued by my father, he had used the very same trick"

The Celestial prince continued "Basically a heavy skilled demon power which allows one to take control of the sky. And when the sky is saturated from the storm it has built, I'll literally rain down doom"

"Rain down...doom?" Myles stared at him