My life has been filled with bad luck when it comes to love, the only emotion I ever felt when it comes to romantic love is when I first had a crush on our class president, I never even thought of proposing to her because I know deep down I am no match for her. For some reason some of the guys in my class found out I had a crush on her because they saw me looking at her for a long time and they asked me if I am in love with her, I was really nervous that time and out of confusion I shouted yes. Before I knew it the news spread all across the school. That time I was so embarrass that I wish I could just die.
What happened after that event sent my high school life to the grave. Our class representative came over to my seat with a group of girls to ask me a lot of questions. They were intimidating; first she asked me why I fell in love with her, her face looked so frightening I couldn't even look at her straight in the eyes. I was mumbling trying to figure out what to say to her then she suddenly used her hand and lift my jaw. Her right foot was on top of my desk and she said to me, look I am not in the same world with you, I couldn't even stand your name and my name being spoken together. Rumors are already spreading about me because of what you did. I would only say this ones, you should not ever think of being in a relationship with me, I don't want you to ever think of making moves on me.
Her words tormented me for the rest of my high school days and it made me forget about ever falling in love again. A year after our graduation something happened that change my life forever, it was the day I fell in love again after I already gave up on ever falling in love, it was during summer, the heat of summer was making people go crazy that time, then I wanted to go to the ice-cream store to cool myself. Saturday is one of my favorite days so I decide to go to a local ice-cream store on Saturday early in the morning right before the sun reaches its peek heat.
The Saturday I have been waiting for came and I went to the ice-cream store, at the store I ordered a strawberry flavor mixed with vanilla. It was delicious so I decided to eat it one spoon at a time while looking at my phone. I was half-way through my ice-cream when I saw a white lady in a cute dress walk over me, I have never seen a human being as white as her, I was filled with a lot of curiosity while looking at her.
At that time I saw a key fell down from her bag. I did not realize when I quickly go to the place where she dropped the key and picked it up. When I stood up from the ground, she has already left the store, I quickly went out of the store and looked to my left and right but I couldn't see her, I went back to the store and sat on my seat, I was thinking how could I deliver the key to her but I couldn't think of how I can reach her, I don't know who she was or where she lives. My hands were wrapped around the key; my brain was deep in thoughts, trying to figure out how to deliver the key to her when I suddenly saw a phone number written by the side of the key holder. I was overjoyed when I saw that, I decided to call the number immediately.
I heard I soft voice when she answered the call. She said who is this, I told her my name is Lukka and I have a key that fell from her bag, she paused a bit and then said its true she couldn't find the key in her bag. She told me that her name is Tima and right now she just got to a park, she continued to say that she would immediately return to the store to collect her key, I told her she doesn't have to, I would go to the park because after all I was planning to go to the park that day. I wanted to have some fresh air away from the heat of the sun.
The reason I offered to go to the park to deliver the key to her is because I wanted to know more about her, she is the first girl in a long time that grab my attention. Immediately after our call was over I went outside and took a taxi to the Nature Park. At the Park there were a lot of trees, the air was fresh and amazing, at that time a lot of families were visiting the park it was a bit crowded. I picked my phone and call her again to ask her about her exact location, she told me that she is at the southern side of the park where there are less people.
I immediately went to her location. At the southern side of the park; there are a lot of Sakura trees over there. A lot of flowers have been planted there. The place is like a little garden on its own. A narrow river was flowing across the area, the water is so clear that you can even see the little fishes swimming in the water. I was standing below a Sakura tree trying to find her, I looked across the area but I couldn't find her.
I took a deep breath and look again, to my surprise she was there sitting near the river with a lot of flowers surrounding her. When I got really close to her, I started to feel a unique fragrance coming from her side, when I took a close look, she looks so white as if she is a doll, she looks out of this world.
When I got to her I tap her by the shoulder and she turned around and looked at me, I told her I am Lukka, she asked me, are you the person that found my key, I said yes, she then told me to seat right next to her and I did, I was looking at the fish flowing through the river right in front of us, I was nervous that time, I did not know how to start speaking to her, I did not want to end our conversation by handing her the key, I wanted to know more about her, I wanted to be able to stay by her side. For some reason when I was sitting beside her I felt so much peace and calmness that I have not felt before.
I realized deep within me that what I was feeling is love. I never thought I would experience love again, but for some reason I fell in love with her without even realizing it, My mind was lost in thoughts, I did not realize I was awkwardly sitting next to her without saying a word for over ten minutes, then she suddenly broke the silence by asking me to give her the key I found. I nervously picked the key from my pocket and handed it over to her.
I looked at her over my shoulder, I was trying to start a conversation but I did not know where to start, without realizing it I said to her, you are beautiful, I have never seen a gorgeous person like you. When I said that, I felt a different type of embarrassment I haven't felt before, I was thinking that I have destroyed my chance to speak with her because I said something so outrageous to a girl I just met. I quickly turn away from her side and closed my eyes, I was filled with a lot of anxiety, I couldn't think of her responding to me positively, I thought that I have crossed the line when it comes to speaking with a girl for the first time.
In the heat of the moment, she used her hand and tilted my face to her side, she said to me, look at me straight in the eyes and repeat what you just said, her face looked so serious that time. I did not want to say it again but a part of me was telling me I have already crossed the line, there won't be much difference whether I repeat it or not. I gained the courage to say it again after some moment, while looking straight at her face I could even see my reflection in her eyes, I then said to her, you are beautiful, I have never seen a gorgeous person like you,
Deep within me, that was what I really thought when I looked at her, the words just happened to slip from my mouth. After I repeated what I said to her, she turn around and face the river in front of us, she then asked me, what do I think about the strange whiteness of her skin, I said to her it looked unique and I think it is amazing and looks calming to the eye, After I said that she smiled and told me I am a strange person, she said to me I am the only person that thinks that way.
She continued to say that all her life she has been treated differently because of her skin color, even at school her class mate would be comparing her to a dead person because of how white her skin is, she even suffered series of bullying because of it. After hearing that I did not know what to say, I did not know that there are people in this world that world treat such a wonderful lady like that, I couldn't Imagine how anyone would think her skin color is something that should be treated as bad thing.
For some reason in my eyes she just looks different than other girls I have seen before. I decide to be honest with her and tell her what is on my mind. I told her Tima, I am not the type of person that knows what to say at a time like this, I am not even confident when I am speaking to other people, I have decide to be honest with you and tell you what's on my mind. You told me a lot about yourself although we have just met and I feel that I should also tell you something about myself.
I have also been in a situation were a lot of people treat me differently, the reason is that a lot of the times when I am talking to people I tend to say things that I do not intend to let anyone know, I am not confident when speaking to other people, most of the time I couldn't think of how to accurately respond to people in a conversation.
What I mean is that when I am speaking to people, I often just say exactly what I was thinking without realizing it, sometimes when people ask me questions about my secrets that I shouldn't tell anyone I end up telling them my secrets without realizing it. This habit that was tied to me made me lost a lot of my friends. It even ruined my high school days when I said something that was so embarrassing and a rumor was spread about me throughout the school which labeled me as the worst loser at my school.
Tima listen to me without saying a word, after I finished speaking she told me that she doesn't think my habit is a bad thing, being honest about your words and saying exactly what you think about the other person is a good thing. She stood up and said to me enough stories about sad stuff let's do something fun. She picked some rocks beside me and started throwing them across the river, each rock would bounce on the river before finally reaching the other side of the river.
Her words made me a bit relax, I also stood up and tried throwing the rocks, The first rock I threw only bounce two times before sinking in the river, at that time she looked at me and laugh a little bit, I tried a gain and I couldn't successfully make the rock bounce it way across the river. At that time, she came really close to me and said, your bad at this, let me teach you how it is done, she picked another rock from the ground and slowly breathe air in and out, she then threw the rock while making sure her fore finger was the last part of her hand to touched the rock.
To my surprise the rock she threw bounced about five times before reaching the other side of the river. I tried throwing again and again before I was also able to make the small rock bounce successfully through the river and reach the other side. After we threw a lot of rocks at the river Tima suggested that we take a walk through the park.
The climate at the park was different, there is a gentle breeze that was slowly blowing against us, it has such a unique fragrance of all the flowers planted in the park in it. We were walking side by side that time, A lot of thoughts were going through my head, hearing more about her made me realize even more that I have falling in love with her, at that time I did not know a lot about her, a part of me wants me to come clean and tell her how I feel while at the same time I was afraid it could ruin the friendship that has just been built.
I was really feeling tense that time, I looked at her over my shoulder and I could see her innocent face radiating with kindness, I was desperately trying to find a way to tell her how I feel that time, we passed over a lot of cherry trees, we covered so much distance without any of us saying anything. While I was lost in thoughts she suddenly stopped and said to me we have arrive at the place I wanted to take you, when I looked to our side I saw a huge wisteria tree, the leaves of the tree are like strands of flowers tied together. The dark purple color coming from the leaves of the tree is so beautiful. That was the first time I have ever seen that type of three.
I looked at her to my side and said to her this tree is really beautiful. She then said to me, a lot of people that come to the park don't even now a tree like this existed, I come a lot to this side of the park, to me it is a guilty pleasure that I keep to myself, you are the first person that I have invited to this place. When she told me that I was filled with joy and it gave me more courage to express my feelings.
At that time, we were the only ones in that side of the park, beside some park rangers that were in the area. I was about to speak to her then she suddenly started speaking to me, she said to me, I have noticed that you have something you want to say, there is no one around here, you should tell me what's on your mind.
When she said that, I was surprise she noticed something was on my mind. I cleared my voice and said to her, there is something important I want to tell you, I don't know how you would react but I am going to be honest with you and tell you everything, the truth is, the first time I saw you at the ice-cream store, I got curious about you, something in me wanted to know more about you, and when I met you at the park the feeling in me grew stronger, the more a learn about you the more I feel curious about you. For some reason I felt I sense of peace and calmness around you that I have never felt around others.
I thought a lot trying to figure out what I was feeling; I asked myself questions over and over about what was going on in my heart. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I am in love with you. When I said that I felt a lot of relief at the same time I was anxious about what her response would be.
After I finish speaking she turned around and look at me straight in the eyes, she said to me, would you be able to look at me a lone and not any other girls, I said yes, she said to me, would you be able to give me all of your time and not spend any moment thinking of any other girls, I said yes, she then continued and said, would you give me all of your heart and love me for the rest of eternity I told her yes.
At that moment my brain was filled with different thoughts, I couldn't say for certain that she has accepted my love for her. Then she said something that made everything clear to me. She said, since you have promise to give me all the things I asked for, I will give you my everything, I would give my entire heart to you so please take good care of it. The moon would be the symbol of our promise to love each other for eternity. Don't ever forget that you promise to love me to the moon.