Hopeful Place

"Hey, Nemuigawa ... you've been silent, what are you daydreaming about" Richitobe reprimanded

Nemuigawa looked haggard and looked like he had been thinking about something all day at the academy

"Ahh, Richitobe........no, it's just that I'm not feeling well" Nemuigawa replied

"Recently I've been really bothered by Richitobe's family background, what caused the war 100 years ago, ah it's a headache..... I feel like my head is going to explode, just thinking about it reminds me of a history book I read" thought Nemuigawa

it was dark, it seemed that it would rain

"Okay then, I'll go home first okay?" Richitobe said goodbye

"Yeah, be careful on the road......hah, okay now I have to go home too"

when Nemuigawa was heading home, it was raining heavily, Nemuigawa didn't bring an umbrella, and there Nemuigawa also hitched a ride at a tea shop that Nemuigawa usually passed by. Nemuigawa entered the teahouse and felt a warm and sunny air. seen an old man washing glasses while reading a book.

"excuse me, 1 cup of green tea sir"

"1 cup of green tea will come soon" replied the old man excitedly

3 minutes had passed, Nemuigawa spent time at the tea place just daydreaming while enjoying a cup of warm green tea

"You've been looking weak, are you sick son?" the old man asked

"Grandpa, according to grandpa...what was the cause of the war 100 years ago that made the kingdom of Lunardos thogo enter Joupan territory?" Nemuigawa asked curiously

the old man was surprised that Nemuigawa suddenly asked about the past

"Well kid, what's your name?" asked the old man

"Nemuigawa Sai"

"Kid nemuigawa, Samurai is a person who wields a katana and has a very strong determination, a true samurai will not leave the battlefield with only fear, and also Samurai will not depend on the past, just do your best for your future, think of the past there will be no end"

"But, I have to know Grandpa."

"one day for sure.......you will know everything"

Nemuigawa fell silent and accepted the old man's answer