Splattered blood and fallen Samurai

Platoon B had surrounded them from behind and cut down the lunardos thogo soldiers one by one. blood splashed all over their faces, that's the risk of fighting. they are well aware that no one is safe on the battlefield.

one day Nemuigawa will cut down one of the lunardos thogo warriors, his attack is parried, he is the old man....

"You, the old man who sells tea...."

"Finally, son. You've realized it"

"But, why...you didn't kill me back then"

"Our job is just to infiltrate and disguise, nothing more than that"

"Damn old man!!"

Nemuigawa meets an old tea seller who he met when he just entered the Hitoya academy, it turns out that the old man is one of the warriors of lunardos thogo, Nemuigawa is a little surprised

Many of the front line platoon A had been injured, platoon A was pulled back and swapped formations with platoon B.

"Nemuigawa!! we exchanged formations" shouted one of the samurai from platoon B

"okay!!" replied Nemuigawa with a shout

"Are you going to run already?" asked the old man

suddenly fire arrows from platoon E attacked the old man as Nemuigawa's diversion so Nemuigawa could change formations, now Nemuigawa was really fighting on the front line. the lunardos thogo army was on the front and managed to stab many samurai with their swords and spears, what made them even more superior was...they were using steel shields, which could parry katana slashes.

at the same time, reinforcements arrived. Ninja troops have infiltrated the base in Ryomata

"Ninja troops look badly injured and very few left" Richitobe thought

one of the ninja troop leaders reports to commando Nobuya toruma.

"The ninja troops have returned from the mission, the mission failed because there was an explosion at their main base and arsenal, many of our troops did not survive the devastating explosion, sir" shouted the leader of the ninja troop

he is Murata Hibiki, even though he is the same age as us, he has become the leader of the ninja troop and is arguably the greatest in our generation.

"The big explosion came suddenly, and it happened during the war. But who did this....alright Murata Hibiki, good job."

"Ninja troops will join the war because many samurai have sacrificed and died in the war. The war is still going on, and many dangers will come to us, but a samurai will not stop there... this war decide whether it is still appropriate for the samurai to be in Joupan...because the final war is currently going on," shouted Komado Nobuya Toruma.