Letter Agreement

The Lunardos thogo headquarters in Ryomata had been completely burnt by a fire and a huge explosion, Ruberg did all this for the sake of hope and change for the city of Stover. Ruberg was expecting more from Joupan for the city of Stover.

"Ruberg, what is it that makes you let yourself be burned and charred in that building?" Ruberg daydreamed

The letter that Ruberg entrusted to Povern was intended to be given to one of the Joupan imperial troops called Samurai. The letter contains a wish for the city of Stover, the capital of the kingdom of Lunardos thogo.

Ruberg devised and wrote his letter using the official Joupan language "Izuka" so that the Joupan empire would understand what they were reading. this is one of the advantages of the inhabitants of the Lunardos thogo kingdom, namely science.

"As his friend, I have to deliver this letter. That's right... for me, this is a task that I must complete" Povern thought

"But how should I convey it?"

When Povern was taking shelter under a tree, from a distance he saw a big war that was going on, suddenly a woman covered her mouth from behind and the woman used a martial technique and knocked Povern down to the ground.

The woman was beautiful and charming, she was like a race of Stover townspeople.

"Evalière, what are you doing?" A man comes

"I caught a soldier, Koutarou"

Koutarou, Nemuigawa's old friend who chose to join the martial arts squad and had to part ways with Nemuigawa due to different paths.

"Evaliēre, tie his hands and feet!"

"Evaliēre, step aside...you have to go, I will end it"

"A letter..... please take this letter and give it to the Samurai whoever it is, said Ruberg" Povern begged

"Wait Koutarou, he begged"

"Evaliēre isn't your name? I know you are a descendant of the Kingdom of Lunardos thogo, please help your people" Povern kept begging

"I'm...a descendant of the Lunardos empire thogo?" Evaliēre was confused

Before King Reilaz Lucadore who led the kingdom of Lunardos thogo, there was a King who was very handsome, charming, kind and wise, he was King George Evaliēre. He had a wife who became Queen named Yuth Palamita and became Yuth George.

Laint Evaliēre is Koutarou rei's girlfriend

"My boyfriend is a descendant of the king?" Koutarou was confused

"My name is Povern, before ending my life, please give me this letter"

Povern pleaded again

Koutarou and Laint were both confused and hesitant to accept the letter, they were very wary, and then Laint agreed to accept the letter.

"Koutarou, don't kill him...we will take the letter and give it to you, but you will be banished from this land as well as the land of Lunardos thogo"

"Fine, but promise that the letter will arrive"

"We promise" Nemuigawa and Laint replied in unison

Nemuigawa untied Povern's hands and feet and let Povern go. Before leaving, Povern asked about Laint's full name, before long Povern headed west.