I Can Level Up in Real World!

Walking towards the nearest town, Luke and Mike was happily talking each other, and somehow many players that excited to this game based on their reaction.

'Now we've arrived at Vines Town' Mike happily said.

'What a crappy town' Luke was expecting that all town in this world are so good and rich but after seeing the town he was disappointed.

'To think that this town is like a slums on our world' Mike also notice the town but afterwards random NPC approach them.

'Welcome Visitors, this is the Vines Town you can have here in this town but first pay the entrance fee'

'Yeah, our town is so adorable that made you inlove'

Luke and Mike was so annoyed that there have an Entrance fee even it was a crappy town with many garbage around the area.

'How much is the entrance fee' Luke asked the older woman who's keep bragging about their town.

'Just a one gold' The older woman responds.

Luke was wondering that gold in this world was so easy to find but suddenly Mike angrily said, 'Fuck your town, do you think it was so easy to find a gold, even a copper is hard to find you fucker'

When Mike said all the sentence, immediately all players in the area watching the event and Luke heard all the words coming from their mouth.

'Seems like someone is going to die today'

'Yeah, just like earlier'

When Luke heard their words he immediately cover Mike's mouth.

'Ahh, I apologize for my friends mouth'

Mike suddenly grabs Luke's hand with all of his strength and said.

'What are you doing Luke, she's a scammer!' Mike's envelope some strange aura in his body that made Luke trembled.

'Hey kid, I heard all what you said' the old woman summoned his weapon shovel and immediately shoved with her strength.

'What!' Mike was trying to block her weapon but even with that he was sent flying.

All the players was so shocked, they didn't expect that he blocked the woman attack but even with that they cannot defeat the woman with only level 1 because the woman is level 10 and it's pretty normal to have a higher stats when you're level is higher.

When Mike was send flying many distance away, Luke was left behind with all the Npc's.

When Luke sees Mike was flying, he immediately alerted and try to fight back.

'Fuck, I'm the only one here with no weapon' when he viewed the levels on the NPC's he lost his will.

'What!, Their all over level 10 shit while me is only level 1 I can do is to run only'

Luke immediately ran far away but the two man NPC's chasing him.

'You think you can ran away!' Said the man who's chasing him.

The man cast his spell called [Sword Throw], and cast it towards Luke, while Luke was running suddenly he felt pain in the chest.

He notice that there was a sword in his chest and immediately his mind become dark all of a sudden.

[You Died]

[You can respawn in 3 hours]

He wakes up and he was heavily breathing, he slap his head until he calmed down

'It was my first time experiencing death fuck, it was nightmare even it was a game it was so realistic'

But when after being calm down, suddenly there was a blue thing in his sight

'Is there something wrong in my sight?'

He keeps blinking his eyes but it won't disappeared so he was worried all of a sudden.

'It seems like Mike was alive, but I wonder what's that aura envelope his body before maybe I will asked him later'

'But first what's this blue thing in my sight'

When he try to think about it, it was too similar in the game so he tried to said the status.

'And it didn't appeared, what the fuck I feel embarrassed'

But after a minute suddenly the status appeared.

[Install complete]

[Luke: Level 1]

[Class:Dual Leveler]







[Cannot learn skill anymore]

When this appeared he was freak out

'What the hell, it feels like I'm in a game'

But he wondered why is this a mechanic in the game

'Maybe I will asked Mike when he log out'

After many hours, he was continue studying about the system. He learned about inventory, quest and many more it's pretty much alike in the game.

And also Mike was waking up and he seems happy.

'Such a shame, you died back there, I survived and leveled up to 3'

Mike also story about how he leveled up, he slained monsters and gather some copper coins.

He also story about the mechanics of the game he found, it was open world MMORPG, magic, monsters just like fantasy world and monsters also dropped coins if you killed them.

While Luke was listening, he immediately interrupted and said 'Mike do you have system in this world too?'

After he heard what Luke said, Mike burst his laugh and responds 'What the hell are you talking man, you seemed like addicted to the game'

Based on his reaction, Luke confirms that Mike didn't have system in real life so he only suspects that it his part of his class that's why he has a system in this world.

'I cannot blame you man, I'm also addicted to the game' Mike said

'Maybe I will go visit my family first in the hospital, I will visit tomorrow again'

'Oh okay, such a shame, oh I forgot add me in the game Luke'

'Okay' After that Luke was hurried to go to hospital.

When he arrives, his sister was sleeping in the chair so he didn't bother her, he sat and he keeps scrolling at his phone about the game and he found some interesting discussion.

[MastarMonkey:This game made me rich, I tried to convert and exchange 10 copper to real life money, and the money I got in real life is 100 dollars how good is that?]

[IceTubig:How good is that?]

[GokuloveMessi: Seriously, maybe I will play this game tomorrow]

His eyes is about to pop out, he didn't expect that it can easily found a money in the game.

He found many proof as well that the discussion was true.

'Seriously!, This game is an opportunity, maybe I will try to gain coins in the game but first let me gain some experience'

After founding out that he can level up in the real world that will apply in the game, he was excited.

'Lets do some grind from now on'

[Daily Quest]

[Do some push ups: 0/40]

[Sit ups: 0/30]

[Reward:1000 EXP]