New Mastery

The notifications popped up as Asher was trying to understand the small scripture.

The first thing Asher comprehended was a strange technique that halted his movement art.

The second thing was the technique to counter his swift strike, and the third was the counter to the Fifth Scripture that taught Asher about the Aura Shield.

[ Understanding of the Shard is increasing ]

In this scripture, the ways to counter all the things that Asher had learned were described.

But even then, Asher couldn't understand what the scripture was trying to portray.

As he processed all that information, the fog became clearer, and the pressure on him started reducing.

These counters originated from the very fundamentals of the Sword Art itself.

This scripture was filling the gaps made by the previous scriptures, while revealing the weakness of the sword art itself.

"It shouldn't be this," Asher muttered.