Chapter 11 : worlds below and above

As the boss stand to fight me , the space and time started to shift . The floating islands begins to merge together and started to form a fighting arena , the black moon which was giving us light started to moved to top of the arena and we both were at two sides of arena , the arena is so big it was bigger then a galaxy so big that even dwarfs biggest galaxy in the universe. He showed me his creepy smile again and start pointing at me with his finger and fired energy beam towards me . I used space manupulation to convert the attack towards the boss but the energy entered into his darkness and dissapeared . I thouggt to fight him i needed light so i created a sword so bright it was brighter and powerful then 1 billion suns combined . It was so bright that the boss's body was showing up and he was just a skeleton with darkness covering his body . He put his hand in his mouth and took out a sword do dark that even my sword with the light of 1 billion suns could not reflect it . He disapeared suddenly so i teleported to other side of the arena and that was my best decision . When i looked back where i was there was a slash in space and time , although that injury couldnot kill the immortal me but the pain could have knocked me out . I teleported to the middle of the arena and shoved my sword in the ground and it lit up the entire arena . The boss who could move in darkness had no choice but to fight me head on . i showed my oawn towards the boss , created and directed supernova as powerful as trillions of suns exploding and that didnt even do anything to the boss . The swinged his sword towards me and that swing created a enerywave 5th dimensionally infinitely powerful that slashed the 5th dimensional infinite universe in half . Although the dimension was shashed in half it was not fully distroyed so we continued our fight in the same dimension . I again created a sword but this time it was made up of dimensional shards , the very peices of shards that make up infinite number of infinite sizes 5th dimensional universe . As we both sprinted towards each other and started to fight head on , our sword clashed with each other and the fight was leaving broken spaces all around the arena . I created another sword and started to fight with both the sword and one sword was able to slash the boss hand and the boss droped his sword , i didnot waste any time and slashed the boss in 100's of peices in an instant so that he couldnot pull any triks and i won .

The notification of dimensional up came and i teleported to a 6th dimensional place .

As 4th dimension was time and 5th dimension was space , the 6th dimension was something beyond those things. It was beyond .

Beyond is a space where all lower dimensional multiverse existed , I could see all the possible lower dimensional multiverse at this point . i could only see but not enter them physically beacuse the tower ristricts me was well as other higher dimensional beings to directly intefare to their lower dimension .

Suddenly a administrater came and congratulated me and told me .

adminstrater : " this is beyond a space where lower dimensional space exist and the more dimensional you up grade the more lower dimensional multiverses increase . its like a box with in a box with in a box and it goes so in until 99th biggest box . its like the more you transcend a dimension the more you exit a box and as you exit a box the the you were previously in becomes your lower dimension and after 99th box you exist the box and you are free in outerverse or like in a big room just who existed a box and when you transcend that room which holds every possible creation of other celestials like our boundless tower yagdrasil , you will become a boundless celestial your self , all the things i told you are not the things i was suppose to tell you but with your authority of creater class you can know it sooner then others . "

He told me this like he didnot know i was the sucesser of the tower and i would hold all the boundless power of the tower . So i thought me being the sucesser of the tower is only known to me and the tower ifself .

At the 6th dimension there were no guilds but kingdoms . Every kingdom holded a certain amount of space in this infinite beyond space and ruled it . They would claim many dungens and 6th dimensional universes as their own and raid it and claim its resources . At this point of existence there were no concept of family race and such . There were many races of life forms and every one could be with anyone and no race barriers and such . its just gods who ruled a territory , their childrens that they didnot care , only a handful would raise their children to a point from wherethey are independent otherwise everyone here just depends upon them selves and their strength , here its just the rule of be strong and rule the weak . I was teleported in front of a 6th dimensional universe where there were weak and strong both kinds of beats and creaters , i entered the universe and what i see is floating space whales , planet size beasts and dragons although i was only level one in 6th dimensional but my skill

" The Hand Of Creater " is not restricted my skill so i could make anything powerful enough to deal with my enemies out of my capacity .

I using my creater skill made a mecha with a big distructive leaser gun on my mecha hand and started to aim , fire and kill the beats in the universe . After a long killing time i leveled up to level 64 . I killed many beats and leveled up and i thought that i could use this method to quicky level up and climb the floors of the tower . I exited the universe in to beyond and what i see is there are countless battle ship aiming towards me and there is a man standing in the middle with a sword . He grabbed a speaker and asked me " Who are you and what are you doing in our resource dungen " .

I said " My name is armos and i didnot know it was you dungen , there was no name written on it and you should have written your name in it but then what even if your name was written on it i would have still entered it , what you gonna do cry " .

Being furious of my words he told his army to fire and they took their shots on me but i used my skill " The Hands Of Creater " and created a barrier to protect me . I then created a army of robot solders and sourrounded the army and then wiped the entire army and captured their commander and teleported far away from their territory .