Leon's POV
I was in the middle of typing an important email when I heard screams from outside. I got off my seat and got to my window which showed the view of the lobby.
I saw that someone had passed but but what caught my sight was the bandaged hand.
"Amelia" I said in panic and rushed out of my office. My heart was beating a thousand times faster than ever. The lift seemed slower today. What had happened ? Was the only question that remained unanswered.
I got to her and took her in my arms.
"Amelia wake up " I said shaking her a bit.
"What happened to her?" I asked and everyone looked everywhere except at me. To add to my anger none of them where replying.
"Don't make me ask you again" I said literally loosing my patience. "Sir , she fell down from the middle staircase." Said on of the guards.
"How is that possible. Noone can just fall" I said. "She didn't just fall. Ms March pushed her from the stairs." He replied.
"What " was all I said before the sounds of the siren were heard. The paramedics rushed to me and put Amelia on a stretcher after trying to stop the bleeding her forehead.
"Leon , what's going on?" Asked Lillian as she stood beside me. "I need to get to the hospital , Amelia was pushed down the stairs" I said.
"What do you mean pushed down the stairs?" She asked following me to the car that was now waiting for me outside.
"Just as I said someone pushed her down the stairs." I said again. I started the car and drove after the ambulance.
I was in full panick mode. I have never been worried ever in my life. This was the newest thing to me. I was afraid of loosing someone.
Goddammit ! I love her.
Yes , I do love her.
After 10minutes I got to the hospital and went to the receptionist.
"Um a patient was just brought in by the paramedics , where is she?" I asked.
"2nd floor door number 230" she said I thanked her and went to the floor.
I found two nurses and a doctor checking her so I waited outside. For what seemed like eternity the doctor finally came out.
"Tell me how is she ?" I asked. "Ms Amelia is alright. We stitched and dressed the wound on her forehead. We're just running some test to make sure she isn't hurt anywhere else. " He said.
"In the mean time you can go in although she still unconscious." He said again.
"Thank you so much doctor." I said before walking into the room.
I got to her and she was on drip. Her eyes were closed and that made me miss staring at those beautiful eyes. Her face was so peaceful like she wasn't even hurt at all.
I took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it.
"Oh Amelia. You don't know just how worried I was for you. I'm just glad that you're okay." I said
Just then my phone rang checking the caller I saw it was Michael. I got up from the stool next to her bed and walked to the window.
M: hie wassup.
L: hey bro , how are you?
M: I'm all good. I'm at your office right now but you aren't. Did you have a field trip today ?"
L: no I'm not doing office stuff right now. I'm at the hospital
M: the fuck . And you tell me now. Are you okay? Is Milan okay?
L: calm down mate. I'm fine but Amelia isn't alright. Vanya pushed her down the stairs.
M: you've got twisted exes
L: she was not my girlfriend.
M: whatever I'm on my way there now
I had told Michael about my feelings for Amelia and this time he was actually supportive and was also happy that I was really serious about someone for the first time in my life.
I turned just to see Amelia waking up. She looked around the room until her eyes got trapped in mine. I just got lost straight staring at her. I can't imagine what I would've done if something drastic would've happened today.
"Oh thank God you're awake" said my sister as she walked into the room with two coffees.
"How are you feeling now?" She asked Amelia. "My head really hurts" she said and that really sent me on the edge. Vanya was really going to pay for this.
"What happened Amy. How did you fall down the stairs?" Asked Lillian.
Amelia frowned. "I really dont remember much. I just remember reading a text from Bryden and the next thing I'm waking up here" she said.
"There's a missing part. And that's the part where you fell down the stairs." Said Lee and just then the doctor walked in with nurse.
"Oh good you're awake. Let me get your results and we can determine whether you'll getting a shot or not" he said and walked out living Amelia with popped eyes.
"I need to go and pick up Gracialla from school. I'll call you later Amy" said Lee and hugged Amelia before she hugged me and went out.
"Are you okay?" I asked sitting on her bed looking straight at her.
"I can't get a shot. Not now not ever. It can't happen" she said more like talked to herself.
"Hey hey hey , don't worry about it. It's okay Amelia." I said while taking both her hands in mine.
"No it's not. I can't get a shot. No at all I can ever get a shot please anything else except that." She said and she was on the verge of crying.
The doctor then again walked in with a nurse.
"Prepare the injection" said the doctor as he looked through a file.
"No , don't do that" said Amelia holding onto me.
"It's just for your own good Ms Amelia. If I don't do this you'll not be okay at all. It's all for your health." He said and Amelia got a bit distracted listening to him but he was actually injecting her.
"So I order for you to.balance your health you could try some yoga. That helps people to just breathe and let it out" he said. "And thank you for allowing us to take care of you" he said and Amelia had fallen asleep in my arms.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"Nothing we just need her to get some rest." He said.
"Do you always distract your patients like this?"
"Nop , she's not just any patient" he said while smiling looking at her.
"What do you mean?" I asked feeling confused.
"My name is Doctor Thompson but just to make things extra clear I'm Axel Thompson , Amelia's brother." He said.
"But Amelia said that she was the only child." I said. Axel just smiled and nodded. "Our parents made us believe alot of things."
"I'm taking its not an open subject" I said noticing how shifty he'd become.
"Does Amelia know about you?" I asked him.
"She's never known me" he said looking at Amelia's sleeping figure.