Leon's POV
I was just having a bad feeling about leaving Amelia at the hospital alone. When I got home I spent some time with my son as always but my mind was mindlessly clouded with Amelia.
Is she safe?
Will she be okay?
I've noticed her phobia for hospitals and everything in them , will she get through the night?
Mom , dad , Lee and Gracialla were at my house just for the love of it. Gracialla was entertaining little Milan who was giggling at her behaviour every now and then.
Mom and Lee were making dinner in the kitchen while dad and I were in the living room.
"What's on your mind Leon. You seem lost?" Asked my dad looking at me intently. I hadn't discussed about Amelia with him yet. I was looking for the right time and right now this seemed like the perfect time.
"Dad , there's alot that's been going on in my life that I think I need to fill you in about" I said.
I told him about how I met Amelia the first time in my office. How she interacted with Mom and Lee after the conference. How well she fitted with Milan. And how I felt about her.
"I think I love her dad" I said looking at him. "It's not factual. I genuinely love her" I said running my hands through my hair.
"And today when she fell down those stairs I almost lost control over myself. I've never been on the edge like this before. I'm so scared for her dad. I'm scared to loose her." I said. I looked at my dad who was just staring at me.
I sighed and hid my head between my legs.
Moments after I heard my mom laughing. Lifting my head up I saw Lee leaning against the door to the living room shaking her head looking at me.
"What?" I asked completely not getting what was so funny. "It's nothing but we thought you were past that gesture Leon" said dad
"What do you mean." I asked feeling confused. "The thing you did just a moment ago you used to do it when you were young and you did it again today. "
I just laughed and got up and went to get Milan and Gracialla from their play area.
I put Gracialla in her high chair while mom took Milan from me and began feeding him.
"How is Amy now?" Asked Lee. "When I left she'd woken up but she has a big phobia for hospitals which I'm yet to know why" I replied. "So what are you planning on doing with Vanya?" She asked.
"Vanya?" My mother asked.
"Yes , apparently she pushed Amelia down the stairs this morning" I said.
"Looks like your demons are catching up with you." Said dad while helping himself to his wife and daughter's perfectly made dinner.
"Trust me you're not the first person whose told me that" I said. I just exhaled deeply and looked at Milan who was enjoying his grandmother's company.
"Mom could you please look after Milan for me." I asked already leaving the table going upstairs.
I got there and took my phone , wallet and car keys. "I'll be back in hour" I said as soon as I got downstairs again. "Where are you going?" Asked my mom.
I kissed the crown on Milan's head as well as Gracialla. "I'll be back I just need to check on Amelia one more time and I'll be back" I said.
Walking out the door I heard my mom saying. "He's really in love alright" I just ignored her comment and signalled my guards to opened the gates.
I just couldn't shake this weird feeling off. I don't know why but I felt like something was really wrong. My mind wasn't at all at peace.
Driving insanely over the speed limit I got to the hospital and parked my car. "Mr Knight you're back. Is there anything I can help you with" Asked the receptionist.
I know the girl was really trying to get me to fuck her in some corner but honestly I didn't even notice her.
I just walked past the reception area and went to the lift.
"Unfortunately sir our lift had a breakdown our mechanics are already fixing the problem. While you wait I could be of company" i said the receptionist from earlier. I honestly couldn't believe she'd followed me all the way to here.
She put her hand on my chest before grabbing hold of my jacket. "Just until the lift is fixed" she said and bit her lip looking at me lustfully. Immediately I regretted the image I once created for myself. This is crazy it should never have been done. Gosh! Michael was right.
"Listen , I'm not into girls like you at all. And what you're doing is putting your job on the line seeing as you're tempering with one of the biggest shareholders of this hospital. Choose your next step carefully." I said looking at her dead in the eyes.
"Leon please" she said. How needy is she? I just huffed and closed my eyes before exhaling deeply.
"My girlfriend soon to be fiance and wife is in this hospital. I doubt you'd like it very much if you got to deal with her instead of me" I said and she backed off.
Just then the lift opened. I've never thanked God this much before. Now to Amelia.
I got to her room and found her sleeping peacefully. I just held on to her hand and kissed the back of it. I then kissed her forehead and started to admire her soft features in a close range.
She the most beautiful girl I've come across. She's always so calm and never like any girl I've come across. She's just perfect like an angel. She just leaves me breathless.
Holy shit She's not breathing. "Amelia" I called out. "Amelia wake up" I said. Shit.
"Nurse!" I called out while trying to wake up Amelia. "Mr Knight were gonna need you to step outside" said the nurse.
"I need doctors in room 230 NOW!" Yelled the nurse. I was literally pushed outside as the doctors swamped themselves.
Are those electrical shockers. Wait why are they shocking her. Oh my god Amelia.
I can't loose you now baby , please not now. Not when I've just realised what all this is.
I could feel my eyes going blur because of the tears.
After a good 20minutes the doctors came out the doctors came out.
"Mr Knight I'm Doctor James. Ms Amelia , we'd lost her for about 10seconds. In that time she was unresponsive and we almost proclaimed her dead. After she woke up it seemed like nothing had happened. I'm going to run some blood test and do some follow ups on her medication she was being given. I'll get back to you as soon as possible." He said and walked away. I got into the room and saw Amelia sitting on the bed.
I could've lost her today. I could've never seen her forever. Getting into that room I realised one thing. All that we have is now and I plan to do what I can right now.
Without wasting anytime I cupped her face and captured her lips with mine.