Dove's POV
I was humming a tune which my grandmother taught me while bathing Milan. He on the other hand was listening while making baby noises whenever I looked at him and smiled.
After bathing him I made him wear a grey romper which covered him all the way to his feet. "Now for your breakfast." I said I took him in my arms again and made our way downstairs.
I made Milan sit in his chair and I started preparing his breakfast. It was a puree fruit soup.
"Okay baby let's get food in your little tummy" I said and he giggled while tapping his hands on the table attached on the chair.
"Here comes the aeroplane" I said and my Milan was cooperative. "Aren't you a good baby" I said. He ate the whole bowl which was something I wasn't expecting.
After cleaning the little mess we'd made after ward I took his bottle from the fridge. A few moments of him having it he was now full. I put the bottle back in the fridge with him in my arms resting his head on my shoulder.
I walked around the living room while trying to burp him. After a few moments he finally burped.
I played with him on his mat for a while. But it consisted of him biting his stuffed toys and building blocks. "Oh my goodness what's that smell" I asked myself in confusion.
I looked at Milan who had been quiet for a while. "Guilty as charged" I said and made my way to him.
After changing his diaper I looked at the time and saw that it was time for his nap. Weirdly Milan had to be read a book for him to sleep so I chose The Little Red Hen for him.
Reading for him was fun whenever he saw something big or colourful he would make baby noises and attempt to jump while sitting in my lap.
He was becoming less responsive as the book went on and on. "And from that day onwards everyone was no longer lazy and would always help out
The end" I said and closed the book. I put it on the table next to the sofa Milan and I were sitting on in his nursery.
I put him gently I'm his crib but he shifted a bit. "Shhh it's okay sweetheart." I whispered to him and he drifted back to sleep .
I took the baby monitor from the table top and went out of the nursery. Getting downstairs Leon came in through the front door worried.
"What happened?" I thought to myself.
"Dove are you okay. Nothing happened to you right" he said and I just nodded. "I'm alright Leon what's wrong. Why are you so worried ?" I asked looking at him.
"You weren't answering your phone. I was trying to call you for the last 20minutes." He said. "Oh my goodness Leon I'm so sorry. I wasn't with my phone. I was with Milan this whole time I just put him to sleep right now." I said he just nodded and exhaled.
"As long as you're okay then it's fine." He said and kissed my forehead something I can never ever get used to. His lips on my skin just always left me with butterflies exploding in my stomach.
"I'll go check on Milan" he said and I nodded and decided to go through Milan's notebook for a while. I was about to go into the kitchen when Leon pulled me to him.
"You're coming too" he said while wrapping his right arm around my waist. We both went upstairs in a comfortable silence and we stood by the door while watching Milan sleep.
I realised how the weather had changed a bit. It was getting a bit cold so I went into the closet and brought out a baby blanket which I put on sleeping Milan.
Milan was truly one of the best things that's happened to Leon. He cares about Milan so much that I can't help but fall in love with him just as much.
I removed some curls out of Milan's face and smiled at his cute sleeping figure.
I felt someone pulling me to their chest. I just let the moment flow because it felt perfect.
Everything with Leon always felt so perfect. Every moment with him was perfect and Milan right now is the perfection in this moment.
Leon kissed my temple and rested his head on my shoulder. "You know I could stay here with the both of you all day" he said and I just smiled.
I looked at his watch and it was 15 minutes to 2. The major investors of the new project will be coming then.
Oh my gosh, the major investors. Leon has been working and preparing for this meeting for as long as I can remember. Turning in his arms , he looked at me.
"Leon you need to go back to the office. The investors meeting will be at 2 at its fifteen minutes to two" I said. "We could always postpone it" he said pulling me closer.
"No you can't and you won't you've been preparing for this meeting for as long as i can remember. Don't throw it off please" I said looking at him. "Milan and i will be right here where you left us , go" I said.
He looked at me for a moment and before I could say anything else he connected our lips. I immediately put my hands around his neck responding to the affection he was showing.
He then pulled back and kissed my forehead. "I'll be back soon. Be safe for me till then" he said. He kissed Milan's head. "Take care champ" he said to him and walked out but before he actually walked out of the room I called out to him.
He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "Come back home" I said and he smiled. "I'm looking forward to it Angel" he said and walked out. I stood by the window as his car drove out of the gates and he went back to work.
I decided to answer some work related emails for Leon so that he could come home and spend as much time as he could with Milan and a part of me also just wanted him to be with me as well.
Milan woke up around three the same time when Lillian and Gracialla had come home.
"Where's my favourite pair!" Yelled Lillian from downstairs that caused Milan to get startled a bit. He looked and me and I just smiled at him before heading downstairs to meet Gracialla and Lee.
"You're home early" I said to Lee. "I know , I was planning on picking up Alla from school and then drop her off at her grandparents place but they were kinda busy so i spent sometime with her." She said.
I gave Milan to her and bent down to Gracialla's level. "Hey baby girl" I said and she smiled. I put my hand up for a high five and we did a high five.
"I made lunch you guys want some.?" I asked standing up. "Yes please I don't remember the last time I ate" she said. "I'll just change Alla's clothes and will be right down. Here's your son" she said handing Milan to me.
I looked at her and chuckled. "What , if I didn't know you guys I'd think you're Milan's mom. First you have the same colour hair. And his got his dad's eyes and everything else. And the way he clings on to you , noone would doubt a thing" she said and went upstairs.
I was about to put Milan on his play area on the rug but he held on to my crop jacket with his little fist.
"I'll be back soon baby" I said trying to put him down. When I did put him down he started crying. Picking him up again he stopped crying but he's face was now tear stained.
I wipped his face and kissed he's forehead. "Alright then , I won't leave you" I said.