Dove's POV

I felt kinda sad seeing Leon go. But I knew he really had to go handle things in London. I should've went with him just like everytime but I'm glad I didn't today.

I love London but the memories and the people there haunt me. They don't let me be. Waking up today I take a hot shower and put on a black dress that was just above my knees which hugged my body quite decently.

I let my hair down with curls at the end. After applying my make up I took my bag and went to Milan's nursery.

Everytime I leave for work Milan will still be sleeping. He's a big sleeper which is a good thing for a baby his age. "Hey Duke" I whispered while scratching his head.

Duke actually sleeps in Milan's room. I'm just glad he's taken a liking to him.

I go and check on Milan and see him sleeping peacefully. I smile down at the angel I'm looking at.

"Have a great day honey" I said before kissing the side of his head and walked out.

"Good morning " I say to the chef who was preparing breakfast for the family. Well technically its was just Milan , his grandmother and the babysitter and me as well but I don't have breakfast.

"Have your breakfast Ms Amelia" said the chef. "Thank you so much , but I'm not a breakfast kind of person" I say and she just nodded "I'd figured you'd say that , so take this" she said while handing me a cooler bag. "Packed breakfast and lunch" she said and I smiled at her. "Thank you so much" I said before going out.

I looked at my car which was parked next to the other cars and grumbled. "I'm driving you today" I said while walking to it.

The reason behind me not driving it is because my adorable boyfriend wants me to drive around with a chauffer for my safety as well as security. Oh please, No.

None of that really matters its just stressful.

Getting to the office I park at my usual spot and go straight up to my office. In my office I find Bryden sitting on the desk reading a file.

"Good morning Amelia" he said. Yes people at the office still call me that and I'm totally okay with it. Afterall ,it is my name.

"Morning Bryden , how are you?" I said while putting my bag in its place and sitting on my chair. Unlocking my computer I turn to Bryden and find him staring weirdly at me.

"Is....everything okay?" I ask and he just smiles before he nods. "Why wouldn't anything be okay with you around." He said while closing the file and standing up.

"Too bad your boyfriend isn't here today , he can't guarantee your safety" he said looking directly at me with no emotion. "Bryden why would you say that?" He shook his head and chuckled "sorry Amy I thought you'd catch on to my joke." He said but I seriously wasn't convinced. "I was joking sweetheart , relax" he said.

"Files need going through. Check them , before emailing them to Mr Knight. He needs them in London. " He said and walked out.

Bryden's POV

Getting out of the office I smirk. This is the only time I can get Amelia to be truly mine. It's like what they say when the cats are away the mice will play.

Amelia is mine , Vanya was right. Amelia is only mine. I pull my long sleeved shirt up and looked at her beautiful name tattooed on my arm. Just as beautifully as her name is on this arm , soon she'll all be mine.


Vanya had successfully gotten Bryden out of the office. They had settled on a cafe about four blocks from the office. While Bryden was having a Cappuccino Vanya had just settled for some green tea.

"You know the first day I saw you conversing with Amelia , I really thought that you guys were a couple" Vanya randomly said and Bryden just looked straight at her.

"Please Vanya , don't make me think that this is what you brought me here for." He said before he went back to his drink. "No really , Bry I thought you guys were already dating." She added.

"To top it all , your vibes match. I've seen how Amelia's eyes light up everytime she's talking to you. I just thought you guys were the thing" she said sipping on her tea.

Bryden just huffed and looked down before placing he's elbow on the table and looking directly at Vanya. "Look V , I know about your crazy obsession with Leon and right now him being with Amelia is pissing you off and-" but Vanya cut him short.

"Please Bry , I know Leon and I back then did things. But trust me on this one. I swear I don't give two shits about the guy anymore. I totally am over him. Besides I've got other commitments now." She said and Bryden seemed to believe her which excited Vanya. Her plan was in motion and she liked it .

"But you tell me Bry how do you feel when Leon kisses Amelia ? Or when he guides her through doors and corridors with his hand around her waist? Pissed off I'm sure." She said leaning back into her seat and crossing her legs underneath the table.

"Bry , you need that dominance that you had back then when we were still in college. You always got what you wanted. You ruled back then. You getting Amelia should be done right at the snap of your finger. Why are you so scared about what Leon might do. You're Bry the Bryden that gets what he want. And right now I know he wants Amelia and I know very well that you're going to get her. Isn't that Right?" She said looking at a very convinced Bryden.

Turning to Vanya "you know this very well V , I always get what I want and Amelia is mine. She belongs to me. She'll be mine. I don't care what I'll do to get her. I'll do anything" he said. Vanya smiled at the words but inside she was screaming and dancing at how easily she had managed to manipulate Bryden.

"Even therapy couldn't help you get over your stupid psychopath ways" she said to herself as she finished the last of her coffee.

End of flashback

I watched her from the window as she laughed. Who is she talking to? I wondered to myself. "I love you too baby. Take care" she said and it hit me.

She's talking to that prick. Leon. She's taking to Leon. I swear to God once I get my hands on you Amelia , there's no escaping me.

You are mine. You will not be happy with anyone else. I won't allow it. Leon is just distracting you from me but I'll make sure that you realise this. With Leon away getting to you will be easy. You better watch out dear , I'm coming for you and this time I won't stop until I get my hands on you my love. Sit tight and wait.

You are my next valuable prey. I'll take very , very good care of you.