[Edit] At Aceso/ officially claiming Aceso our home

When we arrived at the hospital, it definitely had the feeling of being near a beach.

We broke into two groups, one checked resources as well as the rooms and the other check to see if it still has power.

Our group had me, Usagi, Hygieia and we checked the resources and rooms.

Arisu, Karube,Chota and Saory checked the power for the hospital.

(2 hours later)

we meet up on the main floor, and report on what we found at hospital and the state of the hospital.

I say the rooms are a little trashed, but they have beds in them.

So if we do a little cleaning, the rooms will be fine for the resources meaning food and medicine it's fully stocked, as if no one even thought about coming here for medicine.

Arisu says that's great, we have good news too the hospital has its own back up generators so we can live here without worries for years if needed to be.

I say so if everyone is in agreement, on making this our new home and base of operations.

Seeing no one disagrees, I say so we have found our new home and refuge for others let's make this a place for us and others in need.

They smile and say yea, as they start high fiving and hugging each other out of joy that we have found ourselves a home and safe heaven.

Hygieia walks over to me shyly, when she reaches me she has her head down and is fiddling with her fingers.

I say mentally she's so cute, leaving that comment in my mind, I ask what is it Hygieia.

Still looking down, but now with a slight blush on her face she says Janar did I do good.

I say mhmm you did great, with bringing us here as I give her a smile.

Hygieia raises her head, and says so can I get a reward with an new found energy in her voice that is now filled with excitement in her voice and her eyes are sparkling with hope.

I say mentally she really is too cute, when she gets excited.

Realizing how excited she got, she goes back to looking meak as she waits for my reply.

Place my thumb and index finger on her chin, I have her look at me.

I say when you say reward, do you mean this I lean in giving her a kiss on her lips.

Due to me kissing her by surprise her eyes had widened, and she became stiff until our lips met and she melted into me.

Hygieia put her hands, on my waist as I can feel that she's indecisive in whether she should pull me in or not.

I wrap my arms around her back, and pull her in making her gasp from me suddenly pulling her.

Sensing that she is finally relaxed, I start using my tongue but when I do.

I'm surprised by how she takes initiation, Standing on her tip toes she intertwines our tongues.

I can tell that she was surprised, by how bold she just was being that she is now slowly twisting her tongue with mine.

I smile and tighten my embrace, to reassure her that it's fine and I let her stay in control.

Hygieia, feeling me reassure her the tension she had slowly started to dissipate as she started kissing me with more confidence.

After we stop, we lean our heads together and smile at each other as we're still in each other embrace.

When we hear Usagi, go Mhmm looking at us with a slightly jealous expression.

I giggle and leave Hygieia embrace as, I make my way to her.

When I reach her, she has a pouting expression and looks away from me with her arms crossed.

I put my hands on her waist, as I pull her towards me I ask babe what's wrong.

Still pouting as she looks away, from me she opens her left eye and looks at me.

Usagi says nothing, as she closes her left eye and still has her arms crossed.

I pull on her waist, as I make an expression on my face as if I was asking a question, but with a bit of sadness.

Opening her left eye again, after felling my tug she looks at me and sees my expression she sighs and wraps her hands around my waist placing her hands on my ass.

Pulling me closer, she says I might have been slightly jealous of Hygeia getting such a passionate kiss.

I smile making her blush, she leans in and I meet her as our lips meet in a passionate kiss.

We intertwine our tongues, as I feel that I don't want our kiss to end and that with these two I feel as if I'm complete and that I will protect them.

When we stop, we also have our foreheads on each other.

Before leaving each other embrace, I look over to Hygieia and ask where the others went.

Hygeia says they said they would go, and pick their rooms from the rooms in the back.

As you were kissing Usagi, sensing some jealousy in her voice I walked over to her, making her face me when I got to her placing a kiss on her forehead.

I say later tonight, I will give you and Usagi the attention you want so don't be upset ok.

Blushing Hygeia nods, and hugs me as I return her hug.

I ask should we find our room too, and we should make sure it's a few rooms separated from Arisu and the others.

With that we set off to find our own room.

(3 hours later)

Me , Usagi and Hygieia had found our room that was a little ways away from the others so we wouldn't bother them with our nightly activities.

We had Karube and Arisu help us put two other beds in the room.

After they did and left me and the girls removed the bed rail guards that were in the way of having our bed begin close together keeping the outer bed guards up.

So we wouldn't roll off the beds if we were moving around too much.

Finishing I kissed the girls on their foreheads and we made our way to the cafeteria to eat dinner.

(present time at the cafeteria )

Hygeia had cooked curry shrimp fried rice after we had gotten our plates, we sat at a table and said thanks for this food.

Picking up my spoon and making sure I got a nice size spoonful as I placed the food in my mouth.

Looking up, I see the others looking at me as if waiting for something.

After chewing and swallowing I say what are you guys waiting for it's delicious dig in.

After finishing what I said they dig in, I ask don't tell me you guys were waiting on me.

Arisu says of course, you're the head of this group no matter what you say you're the reason we're all here today.

I go to open my mouth when,< Usagi cuts in and says Janar with these games and the ones we played without any doubt if you hadn't guided us or been there it's no telling how many more would have died or if they would of been us>.

Hygeia says Janar no matter how you want to argue you have to accept the fact, that you have saved our lives more times than you realize in so many ways.

You are our leader, and the love of mines and Usagi lives.

I say ok I get it, but as I hold Usagi and Hygieia hand earning me a smile, as I look at them then looking at the others we are a family I don't want us to be separated by ranks.

Nodding, they smile and continue eating, when Hygeia speaks up and we look at her.

She says Janar you haven't decided on a name, for our new home and refuge for others.

I say that's right I haven't, even though I haven't thought about what it's going to be.

Karube says well, what are you going to call our new home.

Thinking a little, I ask what do you guys think of Aceso as the name.