In Galactic Games, humanity is selected to take part in a competition between advanced civilizations. As they strive to reach the same level of technological and cultural advancement as the aliens, our main character, Jacob, is thrown into the fray and sponsored by one of the most mysterious and enigmatic races in the games alongside 1002 other human leaders and their sponsors. Set in a vast and complex multiverse arena, different civilizations compete for dominance and advancement.
The first part of the galactic games involves colonies fighting colonies, attempting to unite their people under one nation. As well as Jacob learning how to be a leader.
Along the way, they will encounter a variety of alien races, each with their own unique cultures and motivations. With the help of their AI orb and their own resourcefulness, the main character must rise to the occasion and emerge as a true champion in the Galactic Games.
****Author's note****
I will be putting this book on hiatus for some time as I get adjusted to my job. I currently do not have time to keep writing. Simply sleep and work :/
Amazing writing and great attention to detail, especially for worldbuilding. This is an exceptional sci-fi kingdom-building novel that will keep you turning pages and always excited for what comes next!
So far too good, very interesting and engaging, and the setting is great too. Can't wait for more.
The prologue really surprised me, it's really well written, and the secondary char seems to be really charismatic. I'll surely keep reading, so keep it up, author-san.
I love this book, it's good unique and interesting. It has a taste that I seem to like. It's very hookable. Give it a try and you surely wouldn't regret reading the book. I highly recommend this book.
Hello, shamelessly giving myself 5 stars here. Thank you for checking out the page if this is your first time. And thank you for reading if you have read some of the chapters already :) Have a fantastic day!