end of the storm

Charles, having blown up the man whose name he didn't even know, was worried. One thing he always prioritized was having control of the situation, but at the moment, he had lost control.

He mentally spoke, "I just wanted to scare him... I didn't think he would really explode. I have to be careful with what I do in this world. If I go too far, the creator can interfere and destroy me."

Charles, who knew the world he was in, was aware of the most powerful being in the universe, the one who had given the system to Brian, the protagonist of the story.

He continued his mental dialogue, "So, seeing what was happening before everyone stopped moving, I can conclude that we are at the unit's academy combat test. The villains have decided to attack the number one school in the world to kill promising youngsters. Are Brian and the others here?"

(Brian's POV)

Brian looked at the boy who exuded a cruel pressure, something that no villain had managed to convey to him before, not even the S-class villain 'Akuma,' the third strongest villain in the world, who had killed thousands of innocents during the terrorist attack in the city of Washington.

But Brian was in doubt. Whose side was someone so cruel and powerful on? At the same time, a girl in a school uniform began to stir, something everyone present could tell from the fact that everyone was standing still.

Brian mentally said, "System, use monarch skill."

Brian used the monarch skill, which removed all debuffs, including fear. With this skill, he quickly moved towards the girl and checked her pulse. She was heading straight for the black-eyed boy with a moon tattoo on his forehead.

After holding her wrist, Brian asked, "What are you doing? If you go near him, you will die."

The girl spoke aggressively, "Let me go, he's my friend!"

Brian was confused. Even the boy in the middle of everyone wearing the academy uniform was not human. He felt that that boy was someone they should avoid at all costs.

Insisting on releasing her, Brian relented and let her go on her way. If she really knew that guy, maybe he could help them.

(Charles' POV)

Charles saw the two students talking in front of him and located Brian, but he didn't know who the girl was, so he didn't care about her.

Ignoring the two, he didn't want to get involved with the protagonist and accidentally kill him unintentionally, leading the creator to come after him. As he thought of what to do next, should he kill the villains or just leave?

He decided, "Let's go for now. I don't know how to control my powers properly, and I might end up killing someone important without wanting to."

As he prepared to leave, he heard footsteps and a girl with long red hair and blue eyes grabbed his arm, asking in a worried tone, "Thomas, are you okay? What's with those black eyes of yours and your tattoo?"

Charles analyzed her question and asked, "Who are you?"

The girl, shocked that she didn't recognize her, said in a desperate tone, something totally different from before.

"I am Annabelle, do you remember me Thomas? We've been friends since childhood!"

Although he found it confusing, Charles understood what was happening and reflected, 'so she is friends with the boy who lived in this body... but whatever, it's my body now'. He quickly removed his arm from Annabelle's clutches and said coldly, 'Get out'.

Annabelle, watching her childhood friend walk away, knew that if she let him go now, she would never see him again. She grabbed him again and said, "Don't go Thomas, I don't know what happened to you.... But we'll work it out like we always have, right Thomas?" She said in an optimistic tone. Charles, who had lost all patience with her, said in an irritated tone, "Why don't you just go away?" As if by magic, Annabelle disappeared, as if she had teleported, something that could not be seen with the naked eye.

Charles, ready to leave, found that his body did not move, his feet stopped. He felt a soul trying to possess his body, and immediately started saying in his mind, "Stop!!!". But it was no use, he could only watch as he lost control of his body and was sucked into absolute white space in a descent, similar to free fall. He passed through the white space and found himself falling into the same dark space where he woke up after his death. The roof that was broken earlier was now repaired and became the same again as the others.

Thomas cried as he said, "What have I done, Hinf... Why? Why?". He realized that he had killed his only friend, Annabelle. The pressure that everyone was having before was absolved, and immediately the villains knew that they had to kill Thomas, no matter what the cost. Like a swarm of rats looking for cheese, all the villains were prepared to attack him. However, just as they were close to doing so, a black shield formed around him, blocking the attack of all the villains. A woman's voice could be heard far in the sky.

A woman in her twenties with raven hair and black eyes hovered and said, "So... How do you wish to die? As I am merciful, I will give you the power of choice."

The students immediately cracked smiles full of hope. They knew the woman floating in the sky was the 19th rank heroine, Jade, a woman with world-class psychic powers, an S-class heroine, and the youngest heroine to become an S-class.

The villains, who had already imagined this would happen, hit their necklaces three times, which immediately began to emit a very clear glow. But Jade, already predicting this, said in a mocking tone, "Are you really going to blow each other up? HAHAHAHAHAHA, too bad if it was another S-class hero here, your plan would probably work, but for me, it's a piece of cake."

Jade extended her hands with palms up, immediately lifted all the students with her psychic powers to the clouds, conjured psychic barriers over them, and said, "Enjoy the show boys, it's not every day you see 30 villains blowing themselves up HAHAHAHHA."

As she finished her sentence, one by one began to explode, an explosion that could easily erase a small town of 50,000 people from the map.

After the explosion, Jade looked at the artificial island where the students were. It was completely destroyed, leaving only giant stones that sank into the sea. She saved not only the surviving students but also saved the bodies of those who unfortunately lost their lives.

She sighed and told the students who had survived the attack, "Let's go back. We have to take the injured to the emergency room immediately."

She said this and looked at the students. Out of 100 students who were on the test, only 75 survived, and 47 were injured.

She would then turn around and look at the student who was being attacked by all the villains and say, "Why were you being targeted by all the villains, Thomas?"

Thomas, who was listening to the question, didn't know how to respond. He had an idea, but he didn't have the courage to speak at the time.

Then another student desperately said, "Professor, stay away from that boy!!! He is dangerous!"

Jade, hearing this, reflected, "Dangerous? Isn't he a class F rank 700 student?"

(Ratings are divided from F to S, with each ranking having 1000 positions)

She was confused, but then another student spoke, "Yes teacher! He killed a villain and then killed a student!"

Thomas, hearing that, wanted to say something, but his voice didn't come out. Despite not having done anything, he knew deep down that it was his fault. So Jade asked Thomas, "Did you really do that, Thomas!?"

She said in a threatening and curious tone. Despite being her student, she would take all possible care. Seeing the fear in the eyes of the students who looked at Thomas, she concluded that it was true.

Thomas was unable to say anything. His earlier shock of losing a precious friend had taken a toll on his mental health.

Jade, seeing Thomas's silence, decided to act fast and knock him out using her psychic powers to avoid any dangerous situation.

Brian, confused about what was going on, asked his system, "System, is it just me, or are there 2 souls in that boy's body?"

Upon hearing his master's question, the System calmly replied in a robotic voice, "You're partially right, sir. There's only one soul in that boy's body. The other being inside him has no soul. It's something that even I can't describe."

"You're partially right, sir. There's only one soul in that boy's body. The other being inside him has no soul; it's something that even I can't describe," the system said in a robotic voice.

Listening to the system's response, Brian got even more confused and asked another question. "Is it a demon? Or something supernatural?"

"No, sir. Even demons have souls, although they are corrupted. The being within him is something greater than the supernatural, someone who is above all things that define the mortal and the immortal," the system replied.

"So it's a god?" Brian asked.

"No, sir. A god would not have the power to erase someone from existence. He is someone who could be placed side by side with the creator," the system clarified.

Hearing that, Brian was scared. Someone who rivaled the very creator of the universe and all beings was frightening.

Interrupting Brian's thoughts, Jade said to the students in a sad tone, "Let's go back, kids."