gods vs lúcifer (1)

All the gods within the great room felt a cruel and evil presence hovering over the hotel, all present were on alert and all were wondering, "Whose presence was this?"

Odin sensing such a presence, spoke in a calm tone:

"Lucifer is here..."

Everyone was shocked to learn that Lucifer was in this place.

"Pffff, are you scared of the devil?"

A random god said while mocking the situation, until mors sternly warned him:

"Underestimating Lucifer is fatal."

Thor would get up and make a speech in an excited tone to everyone:

"We are gods! We shouldn't fear a mere archangel! He entered the lions' den alone, let's show him what true gods are capable of!"

After the other gods heard Thor say this, they gained a confidence that mixed with his arrogance and they all started applauding, as if it was some kind of celebration.

"I baldur, I insist on teaching that shitty little angel, the power of the true gods!"

"Who does he think he is to underestimate us and walk in here alone? I'll face him in person and show him what he gets for messing with the sea god!"

"Pffff, you have to leave some of the fun for others too hahahaha!"

All the gods laughed inside the room as if this were nothing serious, with the exception of mors, gaia, Aphrodite, kali and Odin.

Mors looked at the gods laughing at a serious situation and was disappointed.

Gaea spoke casually as she stretched in her seat:

"Looks like Lucifer locked us in here..."

The gods stopped talking when they heard Gaia say, everyone had the utmost respect for her and everyone wanted her to be their wife.

Thor was saying to her in an arrogant tone:

"Don't worry Gaia, I'll take care of him for you!"

After Thor said this, a fire ignited in the hearts of the other gods. Now they weren't going to fight Lucifer because he was the intruder, they were going to fight him to get Gaia's attention or maybe love.

"I would kill the devil and you will see how powerful I am Gaia!"

"I'll kill him!"

Gaia didn't care about any of that and just wanted them to go away soon, so she spoke while resting her chin in her palm:

"So go."

If before they wanted Gaia's attention, now it's become a race to see who will kill the devil and win the prize that would be Gaia.

All the gods started running towards the door leading out except Gaia, Odin, Mors, Aphrodite and Kali.

Mors was even more disappointed in them and spoke in a sad tone:

"They go there just to die..."

At the same moment, Odin got up and began to walk calmly towards the door.

"Pfffff, I didn't know the old man was interested in gaia hahaha. You break everyone's heart in gaia! pfffff."

Aphrodite said while laughing.

Mors noticed Odin heading towards the door and spoke in a worried tone:

"Old friend, you know you don't have to go, right?"

Odin would stop walking, look at mors and say in a happy tone:

"I've been alive for thousands of years... I'm content with the life I've led, so I'm going to war alongside my idiot son, even if it's a lost war. Goodbye old friend... ."

Odin finished speaking and began to walk calmly towards the door and leave.

"Farewell, old friend."

A hush descended over the room until Aphrodite spoke in a sad tone.

"Damn, I never thought the end would come so soon..."

Mors looked at Aphrodite and spoke in a worried tone:

"Maybe I can get you out of here."

"No need, I'm happy to spend my last moments here"

Kali joined the conversation and spoke in a cheerful tone to Aphrodite:

"That's a very brave thing, Aphrodite."

"Hahaha, isn't it? But I agree with the old man, I've been alive for millennia, I've experienced every kind of pleasure one can have, I'm happy with the life I've led. But it's sad to think that this will be the last day that I'll see you... I hope one day I can meet you again."

Smiling, mors said:

"Thank you, Aphrodite..."

Aphrodite smiled at Mors and turned her gaze to Gaia and asked:

"Can I kiss you Gaia? If I kiss you, I can die in peace!"

Mors and Kali started to laugh a lot and said to Aphrodite:

"Pffffff, you never change, no matter the situation, you remain the same hahaha."

After a while laughing, mors spoke in a sad tone:

"I haven't laughed like that in a while..."

Gaia also had a sad look in her eyes, although she didn't express much, she was also sad that it was the end of her existence, but she decided to accept things as they were.

Suddenly the 4 who were in the room heard screams coming from outside, screams that echoed throughout the building.

"So it finally started..."




In a hallway, a man with black hair and red eyes walked. The hallway he was in looked like a crime scene from a horror movie, blood, bones, human body parts, splattered all over the hallway.

"So I finally found you!"

Lucifer turned and looked in the direction of the voice, and noticed his appearance, a man with the head of an elephant.

"I am the great god ganesha!"

Lucifer looked at the elephant and began to laugh:

"Pffffff, really? This is turning into a zoo hahaha, I already killed one that had the head of a bird, a wolf, a crocodile and now an elephant pfffff."

Ganesha got angry at Lucifer and immediately rushed forward, but before he could do anything, he was being blown up.

Lucifer bathed again in blood and spoke while pulling a piece of meat from his hair:

"Sigh, they still say I'm arrogant..."

He started walking again until he was stopped again by 5 gods; Thor, Odin, Hades, Zeus and Baldur.

Lucifer smiled and said:

"So I got to the boss yet?"