Heroes vs Charles (end)

Daniel, as he shook Charles' hand, began to feel an incredible amount of power overflowing from within him.

Since the history of mankind, there had never been a human who could overcome the S-class, but Daniel, who was being empowered by the darkness, would be the first human to overcome this barrier.

The surrounding heroes knew this would be a problem and immediately advanced on Charles and Daniel, hoping to stop them.

Charles told them calmly:

"Who gave permission?"

Charles released his aura and immediately the heroes stopped moving, they felt fear of this evil presence, something that made their bodies freeze in pure fear.

Charles smiled and reflected as he looked at Daniel:

'Should I leave him with the same strength as Cain? Or something higher?'

Charles was in doubt, but decided to make him stronger with the thought of "the more the better."

Daniel could tell that the amount of power he gained, started to increase more and more, he felt extremely powerful, but he also felt that the amount of power, was more than his body could handle and he said trying to stop Charles from giving him more power:

"Stop, please, my body will explode if you keep giving me more power!"

Charles stopped giving him power and Daniel started gasping for breath.

Charles looked at Daniel and spoke:

"So that's the limit of a human?"

Daniel's eyes widened and he wondered:

'Am I still human?'

Charles was happy with this result, but wanted something more and again held Daniel's hand and began to modify his body.

Daniel who was taken by surprise, thought Charles was going to give him more power and when he was going to speak, he felt his bones breaking, he felt a sharp, hellish pain in his spine.

Daniel looked at his back and felt that something was building in his back, he didn't understand what it was, but the pain made him erase all these thoughts and concentrate only on enduring the pain.

From Daniel's back wings identical to Haniel's began to appear, but the difference was the color of their feathers, they were completely black.

Charles finished changing Daniel's body and looked at his new wings. Although they were bloodied, he liked the way they looked.

Then he let go of Daniel's hand and said:

"I'm finished."

Daniel fell to the ground and was breathing heavily, trying to endure that pain.

Charles noticed that he was still in pain and quickly snapped his fingers and said:

"I have removed all the pain from your body, so try to use your new wings."

Daniel felt that the pain was gone and finally he relaxed and obeyed Charles' order and tried to move his new wings.

Unexpectedly, he could move them just like moving an arm, it was a strange sensation to feel a new limb but it was a natural thing that his brain quickly adapted to.

Daniel stood up and tried to fly using them and managed to do that easily too, the feeling was one of satisfaction, he wanted to learn how to use his new wings but was quickly cut off from that thought thanks to Charles:

"Okay, then kill them."

Daniel remembered why he was given all this power and turned to the heroes and then looked at ava who was closest to him.

He quickly felt a hatred as he looked at her, it was a feeling that made him extremely uncomfortable, he felt that he could only put out the flame of his hatred if she paid for everything she did.

He calmly walked over to her as he released his full aura.

Ava, seeing her ex-boyfriend approaching her, quickly started talking trying to stop him:

"I'm sorry I did all that to you, I promise I will never do it again, please forgive me!"

Daniel asked her calmly:

"You if you could go back in time, would you have done it differently?"

Thanks to Charles' mind control, ava couldn't lie and said:

"No, I would have..."

She quickly put her hand over her mouth, trying to stop herself from continuing to speak.

"It was already expected..."

Daniel decided to finish everything immediately and left his wings as sharp as blades.

Ava seeing this, quickly started talking desperately:

"Please, you're not like that!"

But before she could say it any further, she felt that her voice was not coming out. Ava felt her consciousness was fading, and in a last attempt to try to save herself, she reached out her hand to daniel, but it was too late, red lines began to appear all over her body, and suddenly, she collapsed to the floor.

Ava had been cut to pieces by Daniel's wings, a cut made at a speed impossible to see by an S-class, it was something absurd by human standards.

Blood stained the terrace of the ice cream shop and Charles smiled when he saw this and said:

"Finish killing the rest, then we'll pay a visit to hell."

Daniel flapped his bloody wings and replied as he walked over to the other heroes:

"Yes sir."