Charles and darkness x Asura and creator

Suddenly, Brian's body began to bleed excessively.

Brian's bones began to be broken one by one and others began to spring up in their place.

The bone structure of his skull and body began to change, his eyes turned completely white and the wound in his heart began to heal and his muscles began to grow excessively.

Suddenly Brian's body began to exude an aura that easily equals that of darkness.

Charles and darkness looked at the awakening asura and prepared for battle.

At the same time, creator entered the same space as them and widened his eyes in shock as he felt the presence of the awakening asura.

Brian's body contorted and suddenly three arms began to appear on his body.

The aura grew larger and larger and Charles reflected:

'I already knew he would get stronger, but I didn't imagine it would be on this level!'

Asura's arms turned completely red and his hair began to grow.

(Brian already had two arms, so he grew three more on each side, for a total of eight).

Asura calmly stood up and looked at Charles, and in the blink of an eye, his face changed.

As he looked at the moon tattoo on Charles' forehead, his face turned to pure hatred. Asura remembered the humiliating defeat he had suffered against Charles and he was determined that he would take revenge and restore his dignity and honor.

Darkness was shocked to realize the level of power Asura was at and asked worriedly:

"Charles, do you really take care of him?"

"Hm, I honestly don't know."

"Sigh, just know that if we lose now, we will both die, so don't lose!"

Charles was starting to walk towards asura as he answered her:

"Don't worry, I didn't come this far to die."

Darkness just smiled in response and turned to the creator and said:

"Shall we continue where we left off now?"




Seconds ago ...

Creator watched asura awaken and then looked at Charles and darkness together and reflected confused:

'Who is he? Wait... Is he darkness? No, Not that... but strangely I feel a connection with him, the same connection I feel with darkness, his name was Charles is it?'

"Shall we continue where we left off now?"

Creator heard someone talking to him and looked in the direction of the voice and noticed it was his sister, the darkness.

The two stared at each other for a while until Creator began to laugh and spoke:

"Why is your real body female? I thought you hated genders."

"When we were children, I had no form at all remember? I was just a vast darkness in the infinite void, but there was a day when we wanted to play, to shake hands, to talk.... So to make that happen, you created a body for me, a body that had no genders that stood out, a body with no identity..."

(Don't take the word "children" literally.)

Creator gave a nostalgic smile as he remembered the old times and said:

"You loved that body at the same time you hated it, I remember you kept complaining about its height and long black hair..."

"Yes, I hated being too short, I hated the long hair that hindered my view, but at the same time I loved all that. It was a good feeling, just like when someone is born without legs, but by some miracle that person can now crawl, even if other people think that is nothing... For that person who never experienced the feeling of having legs, having one now brought feelings of happiness and achievement never before experienced in his heart."

"That was a great explanation, but if you think of it another way.... That person would soon realize that having legs and not being able to walk, would be the same as having no legs, so right away that feeling of achievement and happiness, will be postponed until the day he can walk.... Is that how you felt after receiving that body?"

Darkness started walking to the creator and answered him:

"Not really... I really liked that body because it had something special about it that made it have my identity..."

Creator smiled and looked at Charles' forehead and Darkness continued speaking:

"When I was born as darkness, I realized that my purpose was to bring darkness to everything and everyone and so I did..."

"That's why I had to lock you up, you..."

Before the creator could continue speaking, darkness interrupted him saying angrily:

"I did not become darkness, because I wanted to be darkness! I didn't become evil, because I wanted to be evil! I did not become what I am today because I wanted to, but again I had no choice! But even with all these injustices imposed on me, I am darkness, I was the beginning of everything, and I will be the end."

Creator just looked away after recalling some nostalgic memories but quickly suppressed those memories and gave a serious look and said as he began to expand his domain:

"Let the end of everything begin then."




On earth, mors stood on top of a building as he watched from afar and reflected:

'Has the apocalypse begun then?'

Suddenly, a reaper teleported up behind him and said in despair:

"Sir! We have emergencies, it looks like all life on planet earth is going to be extinguished!"

"Hm... Where did you get this information?"

"Where? We got it from the book of death!"

Suddenly, mors began to laugh and replied:

"Haha, the book of death doesn't work anymore, it just became a dirty old book."


The reaper was shocked to receive this news, but before he could ask any questions, mors said:

"All the information we have about the future is either right or wrong, but everything will depend on the outcome of the fight..."

Mors finished speaking and pointed to the skies and the reaper looked up at the skies and widened his shocked eyes and said:

"Don't tell me that..."

"Yes, creator is facing darkness right now in a deadly duel, should darkness win this duel, the future you saw will come true, but should creator win.... My old book will be nothing more than a fairy tale."

Suddenly, Fate appeared behind Mors and stopped beside him and began to watch the skies.

Mors looked at his older sister and spoke while smiling:

"So you only come to visit me when the world is ending? I'll remember that to get your attention again in the future."

Destiny continued to stare at the heavens with only one eye and asked:

"Who do you think will win?"

"Hm... A pretty hard question to ask an old man.... But if it were to bet on anyone, it would surely be on the creator, after all, he created us."

Destiny just stared at the heavens with a cold face as she mentally reflected....




In hell, Lucifer was smiling as he saw that the final fight had finally begun and said as he started walking out of the palace:

"Time to make my triumphal entry..."

Suddenly, lilith spoke making him stop walking:

"You will not return?"

"No, but You have done well to serve me so far lilith, you have my gratitude for that, but now it is time for you to be free and get on with your life, this is goodbye from now on."

Lilith just lowered her gaze and bowed and said as Lucifer began to fade away:

"Thank you..."




On a throne made of twigs and earth, Gaia was watching the fight that had just begun and suddenly heard moaning and spoke disappointedly to Aphrodite and Kali:

"The end of the world could happen any moment and you guys are really having sex?"

"What? The world is already going to end anyway."

Gaia listened to Aphrodite reply and was even more disappointed, but Kali entered the conversation and spoke:

"The world is going to end and there's nothing we can do to stop it, so what's wrong with having a little fun before you leave?"

"Sigh, there is a way to stop it yet..."

Suddenly, Lucifer appeared smiling beside Gaia and spoke in her ear:

"Shall we start the show?"