Stabbed in the Back by Bunny.

The sand and wind was a turbulent one. In no time, the cyclone was all over the place.

Regardless of the attacks that were thrown at it, it did not reduce but seemed to be getting bigger.

It enveloped many soldiers, sending them flying before they knew what was happening.

Meanwhile, this created an opportunity for Dan to sneak in just as Eros had instructed behind the enemy.

Dan's knife was connected to his soul. It was like an extended arm.

This knife was a special one and the moment Dan had his eyes on his first victim, he threw the knife.


Like a boomerang speeding through the air, the knife whistled on its way to the man's neck.


It was a clean cut to the neck. The blade cut the carotid artery and veins, sliding all the way to the wind pipe.

Before anyone knew it, the unfortunate soldier fell to the ground as he grabbed his neck, trying to call the attention of captain Cement, unfortunately, the captain had his eyes on more important things.