Preparations for the party...

A few days later...

Dan woke up in the morning with a bright smile on his face.

He immediately rushed to his grandfather's room the moment his feet touched the ground from the bed.

"Granddad! Granddad!! It's time."

He beat hard on the door.

The door opened and he pushed into the room.

However, the moment he did, he had to pause a bit.

Eros looked to be busy.

At the moment, Eros was busy imparting techniques to Xena, Carin, and Ngozi.

All three women were still in their meditative state.

They had been in this meditative state since that day Eros had them last.

Not moving even a bit from their positions.

Eros touched Xena's lips with his own.

His tongue diving into the silt opening that is her mouth as he transfered specific techniques into her body.

Each one had to be done tenderly and carefully.

After all, he was sending this techniques straight into their subconscious.