Power of the Future Guild Leaders.

Victoria drank a cup of tea while she supervised the construction of the salt factory.

So far, everything had been going according to plan.

She did check on the other projects. However, for her, this one was the most important one.

She could not help but already imagine the look on the faces of all those other merchant families when they saw what she was bringing to the competition.

A cocky smile appeared on her lips as she thought of it.

Victoria sighed to herself. All her life, she had been running away from the life of a merchant and now, its responsibilities had finally caught up to her.

However, it felt different.

It felt far different from when her parents would nag at her day and night to leave the library and partake in the family business.

It was strange how something a person hated could feel so good when doing it for a loved one or someone deeply cared for.

This was how she felt.