Vision from the Emperor's Tablet...

Young master Jan could only see Clown's eyes, but he could tell that Clown had a quick frown on his face that he immediately concealed.

After all, Young Master Jan had revealed that he knew that clown was from the Grand Order.

"Hehehe!!! So you know about the glorious Grand Order. Of course, how won't you? From what I know, my master did a number on your branch monastery."

Those words excited Young Master Jan's anger.

"The truth is that the Emperor's tablet is only second to my reason here. I came here because I knew that the Grand Order is gathering the Anchor stones. This means that you'll also come for the Emperor's tablet. For the brothers and sisters that died at that monastery, all of you are going to pay with your LIVES!"

Young master Jan waved his hands and a strong force like a golden palm rushed out of his hand towards Clown.

Clown also activated his soul energy to defend against the attack.