Penny Vs Taylor Bolos 5

Looking at one another, they anonymously agreed to follow the two unsuspecting men.

Taylor Bolos behind had heard the news well.

It was already a known fact that many nobles had very crazy fetishes.

It was the reason why selling these Demi humans always made a lot of money.

It was quite a lot of surprise to know that an old man like Eros would push a fetish so far that he even wanted to marry a Naga.

Then again, according to the rumours that he heard about, Eros could not even get 'IT' up.

That was the reason why he had adopted the grandchildren that he currently had

It was a surprise to see that without being able to get an erection, he still wanted to have sensual relations with a demo human.

Taylor Bolos shook his head. He was not interested in the fetishes of an old man.

All he wanted to do was bring back Eros's head to his father.

With that, he was sure that he would get the rights to become the next Baron.