1 vs 4... is it a fair fight?

Lenny instinctively Checked his stats,

//Welcome to the Satan System//

(Red Alert on all stats: Stats Halved)

Lenny Tales

Half born-Human

He could see that his stats had truly been Halved. Even though his previous injuries had been healed upon completing the bonus quest, he felt as if his strength had been reduced to it's initial state when he first arrived in this world. Suddenly he laughed to himself, having learned the lesson. "Forgive me lord Lucifer. I understand," he muttered to himself. Lucifer would never bow to a demon, and Lenny was currently being trained to occupy the position of the former prince of hell.

However, that didn't mean he was going to back off from the punishment. Even if there was a button he could press to make everything alright, he wouldn't want to touch such a button. Lenny as far back as he could remember, had never experienced a peaceful life, and he did not desire one. This world of unpredictability suited him perfectly. He raised his knives above his eyes once more as the Gladiators approached.

"Let's see how you hold your own for two minutes," the Demon instructor announced.

"Two minutes?" Lenny frowned. "But that won't be enough time to have fun," he thought to himself.

Four individuals approached—three men and one woman. One of them wielded two wooden swords, another held a wooden axe, and the remaining two carried spears. As they closed in, Lenny's body trembled, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

To the onlookers, it seemed like he was shaking in fear, which caused some of them to sneer at him. However, Lenny was not afraid. Instead, a subtle joy and excitement seemed to overwhelm his heart, one so profound that he really did not know how to express it. Many people have felt so much joy that they shed tears before; Lenny's situation was no different from that. He experienced an intense delight that made his entire being quiver, his desperate longing for destruction consumed him, surpassing any physical weakness he may have possessed. And the reason he was sweating was not because of his tiredness, but because he was trying as hard as possible to focus his remaining energy in his legs and hands. After all, he really did not have much, but the zeal for chaos was the attraction that enticed him to push regardless of his weakness.

The demon instructor gazed into Lenny's eyes, and a smile lit up his face. "It seems I might yet again get some snacks," he muttered to himself. Raising his hand and then lowering it, he signaled the start of the fight.


The gladiators let out battle cries, as they lunged for Lenny. Although it appeared to be a free-for-all where everyone could attack simultaneously, that wasn't the case due to the differing weapon types. Those with spears could attack from a further range, while those with shorter ranged weapons like the swords and axes had to engage at close range. Lenny, with his fighting experience, could see that if the short-ranged weapon users attacked, the long-ranged attackers would be unable to strike, and vice versa. This was because they would interrupt one another, interfering with each other or causing accidental misses. In other words, even though it looked as if he was facing four people, he was actually fighting against two at a time.

However, Lenny could see that these fighters were too inexperienced to understand such a thing. After all, they were self-taught. He was sure that those fighters in D class would surely not make such a mistake; learning occurred here through experience.

The more experience one had, the better their battle prowess. In this regard, Lenny activated Surveyor, a new ability he had recently acquired from the system, and what he saw made him shake his head.

Though they might be stronger than him, they were nothing compared to his wealth of experience. While his experience points weren't much which could be attributed to his newness in the world, his battle experience on the other hand was unmatched.

As they screamed their battle cries and launch their attacks, both spear-wielders aimed for his head, while the one with the axe targeted his neck. The one with both swords, however, hung back, displaying more wisdom and waiting for an opportunity, understanding the limitations of his weapons in such close quarters. In Lenny's opinion, the one wielding both swords was the lucky one.

Capitalizing his height advantage, Lenny swiftly dodged the attacks, sliding on his knees with a forward momentum, evading the assault of the spears. Just as he thought, the spears disrupted the sword man's assault.

The female gladiator with the spear was closest to him; within reach. Lenny was never one that grants mercy, although the weapons they all wielded were merely made of wood. This was a four-against-one match, and he couldn't afford to waste his strength.

This meant that if he wanted to make a significant impact in the fight, he needed to target specific areas. After all, this battle was only at its weakest point in the beginning stages of the fight.

The human mind worked in such a way that allowed people to subconsciously take notes of patterns made during fights. This happened in order for the individual to properly secure their own survival.

This information and the reaction given to it was what was stored as a person's battle experience. Ensuring that such information and the optimal reaction to the situation could be brought up again when the same problem arose. Lenny was not going to allow for such opportunity.

At the expense of his knees burning against the ground and bleeding as he slid on them, he reached the female gladiator.

He thrusted hard with his knife. It went straight to her groin area.

A SLUSH-piercing sound was heard. And then he twisted it to the right....