Knowing the place....

There were indeed many in this place who had abilities. In front of their stats and abilities, there was a green tick to show if they could use their abilities. For some of them, it was a yes, and for others, it was a no. In other words, there were those who knew about unlocking their abilities, and yet some others did not know. It was not hard for Lenny to immediately assume that some probably knew but did not know how to use it.

Take the girl who had approached him. Her stats were:


"The Fuck!!!" Lenny could not help but curse out. He did not even need to know what her ability was all about for him to know that he was about to dive into a mess the moment he agreed to bed her. This was indeed terrible to think about. He had heard sayings in his former life about how men became slaves to a woman's touch. Apparently, it was a literal thing. All the girl had done was offer free sex and show him her chest. In fact, she had offered it so generously that she had even offered him some points on top. He suddenly recalled what she had said to him when she approached. She had first commented on the fact that he could fight. This was indeed very suspicious.

He was still in his thoughts when he felt someone tap his side. He turned behind. If it was still that same girl, he swore that he was definitely going to punch her in her pretty face. However, it was a slim guy. This guy was not so much fatter or more muscular than him. In fact, he could simply say that he was also out of place in this environment of muscular men and women. Such a person, in Lenny's opinion, should not even be in a place like this. However, such was Fate. The man was very slim and he looked a bit aged. Lenny even wondered how this man was not yet dead.

"It seems you have entered their radar!" he spoke softly. But as he did, he used his jaw to sneakily point in the direction of the people he was talking about. Lenny immediately understood. This guy was giving him information.

"They saw E666 show you her tits. She's kind of very wanted here. They will come for you later!" the man informed.

Lenny looked in the direction that he had been shown, and truly, a group of big burly men were looking his way as they ate. However, it was not just them. Even some gladiator women were also looking his way. Some were with a frown on their faces. Apparently, E666 was also desired by the women. Some others glanced at him and sent winks his way.

Survival of the fittest was in every tribe and culture on the surface of the known earth. Some fought for it and took it with their own strength, while others attached themselves to those with power for it like leeches to the skin, drinking from the pool ever so steadily. It was obvious that his little performance on the test to join the E class had resulted in slight attention to his side. This was attention he really did not want.

"Thank you!" Lenny nodded at him.

"No! Don't thank me. Just make sure you sleep with one eye open this night."

Lenny could tell that this man seemed to be more informed about this place. The former owner of this body had been in the F class. He had little to no knowledge of the happenings in an upper-class like this one. What he needed was information.

He looked around, and then he saw another cockroach. There were a few gladiators around who were interested in that cockroach. However, Lenny immediately stretched his hand with efficiency and trapped it. The gladiators who had their eyes on the meat sighed at this. Lenny turned to the old man and handed it over to him. "Thank you!" he said lightly.

The man smiled, exposing his yellowed teeth as he nodded. Just like E666, he immediately ate it. Lenny was not one to call himself kind, but he needed information. He was a lonely island surrounded by enemy waters. He really needed information. Intimidation would not have been a bad way to get what he wanted, but in this case, he thought it wiser to appeal by presenting gifts.

Both of them proceeded to talk, and much information was passed on to him. This man was called E701. He had been in the E class for most of his life. He had somehow managed to not get promoted up the ladder to another class and was not demoted to the F class. Lenny used his ability Surveyor on the man, and he understood why. This man had an ability. It was called RAT. In Lenny's own perspective, it was a weird ability. However, E701 had polished it so well that it had guaranteed his survival.

Another bell was heard, and the gladiators submitted their bowls. Lenny had the privilege of getting a double portion of what he ordered. This was not something he wanted to let go to waste. By now, the system had healed all the injuries and fatigue in his body. But he could not stop eating. If he was to guess, it was as a result of a deep-seated residual hunger with this body he had taken over. After all, the former owner only ever had scraps to eat. The body now wanted to enjoy everything in his bowl.

Nevertheless, when it was time, they were sent back to their cells to rest before the next round of training. Men and women were separated from each other. But that did not mean that activities behind closed doors did not occur. Majorly, sex was not allowed between different sexes. But that was for different sexes. There was nothing forbidding...