Second time in the Arena...

Even in this hellhole, they still managed to get drugs. How they made it or how they got it still remained a closely guarded secret. And then there was Nameless, the crew for those without a crew. Lenny understood to a good extent how things worked. All crews were extended across both sexes. The Nameless crew also had female members. However, E666 was surprisingly not a member of any crew.

He took his food and sat close to the members of the Nameless crew. Just then, there was a shout that drew Lenny's attention. It was from E701, the old rat man. He had tried to get some food, but for some reason, he could not.

"What do you mean I'm out of points!?" he questioned.

"Take a look, old man!" The F class serving the food pointed to the old man's wrist. Truly, the old man's points were zero.

Even though the old man's shout drew his attention, it did not for most of the other gladiators. They could not be bothered by the screams of the old man. Lenny looked at his hand. He still had sufficient points for food. Just then, his senses caught a sign of danger. However, before he could move, a hand had slung itself on his neck.

Lenny was surprised to see that it was actually E7007, the pretty boy who was the leader of the Nameless crew.

"So, how was your midnight snack!?" E7007 asked.

Lenny did not know how to answer, or rather, his mind was busy understanding why he felt a strong sense of danger from E7007's approach. But even before he could instinctively move in response to the danger, E7007 had already reached him.

"What!? Why the long face? You didn't like it?" E7007 cracked a long laugh. "Don't worry about it. I'm just messing with you."

Lenny gave a dry laugh. However, he frowned inside. E7007 was a bit bigger than him, but the difference was not exactly much. Lenny thought back to the exceptional skill that E7007 had displayed only yesterday when he caught the punch the gladiator had thrown out, as well as his snake strike. There was obviously more than meets the eye that E7007 was capable of.

Lenny suddenly remembered that he had a skill for surveying abilities that he had newly acquired.


Just as he was about to turn on Surveyor on E7007, there was a loud ring of the bell in the dining hall. For a person who was sensitive to his environment, like him, the sharp sound of the bell was depressing to his ears. He paused and held his ears tight. The sound stopped.

"Come on, boys! We all know what that bell means. Let's go!" E7007 ordered.

Immediately, the gladiators rushed to finish the remaining food in their bowls. Lenny was perplexed as to what was going on, but he soon understood. After all, this was under a coliseum. It was time for battle.

Surprisingly, not everybody was excited to rush out to fight. Whether it was a male or female, some gladiators were not at all excited at the idea of going out to fight for their daily bread. Also, Lenny discovered that going out to fight was actually not compulsory. Unless the person was specifically instructed to do so by the demons in charge, there was no problem with him or her remaining behind.

Then again, how was one to live in this place without getting stronger? Battle was the only stone that could sharpen the blade in a gladiator's heart. Battling was also the only way for one to get the necessary points for food, unless of course, the person was privileged to have a useful skill like the gladiators of the Pignosed Crew.

Lenny discovered that all members of the Nameless crew, whether male or female, participated in battling. This was the same for the Cowheads crew. However, the Pignosed and the Raptoids only sent over a select few.

Lenny finished his food and followed along. Everybody picked their intended weapons. From the weapons the gladiators used, it was easy to know how they fought. Most of the Cowheads used hammers or very big and heavy weapons. Then again, they were strength types.

Lenny had lived a life that allowed him a good range of weapons, but he looked around and decided to pick two long knives. They were better for fighting with this nimble body he had acquired. Many also picked up metal armor that was strapped to the chest for defense. However, a good number of them couldn't care less. Armor only restricted movement and, in many cases, made one slower.

Lenny was one of those who did not put on armor. It's not that he did not think it was useful, but that his weapon choice was going to be a bad combination with this kind of old, crude armor.

The men and women of the Nameless crew stayed closely together, as did others from the other crews. They all waited behind a huge door that slowly opened. As it did, the light that came in from the sun was too much for their eyes. However, they quickly adapted.

The doors opened fully, and the gladiators rushed out screaming for battle. However, what welcomed them was the sight of large pieces of human meat being cleaned by demons. On one of them that was being dragged away, Lenny saw the label on the chest. It read B300. It was easy to understand that those of the B class had just used the arena. After all, the demons that formed the crowd were still in a fervent shout for the reward of bloodshed.

Lenny looked up. His eyesight was quite good. He could see as some of the demons shared body parts with one another as blood stained their faces down to their chests. If it were anyone else that had come from his former world, even those world-renowned murderers, they would have found this sight disgusting to the marrow. However, it only served as reality for Lenny. These were the people that Lucifer wanted him to have revenge on.


There was suddenly a loud growl that drew the attention of all in the arena. A large metal door in the distance opened slowly. This match was not like the last one Lenny had found himself in. This time around, the gladiators were not required to fight themselves. The big metal doors opened slowly. The creaking sounds that came from the opening lever were the announcers of the arrival of Death's sickle. When it was fully opened, Lenny's eyes remained wide open. After all, this creature that came out was only ever seen or heard of in mythologies.