Surely an offering from Lord Lucifer...

When Lenny had heard hidden quest, he had made the assumption that it was a beast about to attack from behind or something of that nature.

He did not know that the problem would stem from the meal in front of him.

All he wanted to do was enjoy the heart of the centipede in peace.

He had no idea that it would result in this.

Then again, he already had the assumption that the system was going to defend him against any poison, and therefore he had been careless with what entered his mouth.

Although that was true, the Satan system did not prevent the effects of other substances that could not take his life or put him in danger.

One of them was the heart he had just eaten.

It had only been a taste, but he might as well have drunk an entire volcano. At least that was what his veins felt like.

He felt as if his blood was about to break through his skin in the sudden heat.