The Queen wants You!

Lenny fell to the ground.

He tried to move, but he found that he could not. He had been paralyzed by the food he ate.

Old Buckle stood over him with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, sport! You can see me, but for a while, you will not be able to move your limbs. I can't have you doing those jumping things you do and giving our guests problems."

As he spoke, Bugger came along and carried Lenny.

He took him into one of the huts in the village and dropped him on a table.

Lenny was spread out like a turkey that was about to be stuffed for Thanksgiving.

Old Buckle strolled into the hut. He waved his hand, and Bugger went to wait outside the hut.

"I am really sorry, Lenny, but I have to do this."

Old Buckle saw the look that Lenny gave him.

He chuckled a bit and said, "Hmmm! Don't look at me like that. I am not the cause here. I am a VICTIM, just like you!!!" He had a crazed look on his face.