How to escape death?

Crusher watched as Lenny ran into a cave opening.

He also watched as the creature chasing after him moved with incredible speed.



The first hit of Insect-B's fist brought down the wrath of death on Lenny.


By only a hair's breath, Lenny was able to escape.


Running deeper into the cave.


Crusher watched from his side. What he saw made him frown.


Although he did not want to, he could not help but flash back to the sight of insect-B tearing his comrade like a piece of paper.


He remembered the scream and the tears, he heard the cry for help, and he remembered his comrades, one after the other, reaching their hands towards him for help.


However, he had no choice but to leave them and run.


This pounded hard at his heart.


Gladiators, because of the nature of their lives, were usually very plain people.