A short encounter with the Chimera Queen

The entire conversation between Lenny and the Queen had been like a mother talking tenderly to her son, or better yet, a window slowly seducing a single man to her lonely bed.

All the while, she had made the conversation seem as if she were inviting him for dinner or the likes. However, the meal for dinner was Lenny himself.

The moment she saw him, her excitement could no longer hold itself back. She just had to get a taste of him.

As wrong as that sounded, she literally had to have a taste of him. It was the only thing she craved at the moment.

Her long, winding tentacles wrapped him up like buns around a sausage. And then she railed him in like a fisherman would an outstanding catch.

However, Lenny immediately willed, and piercers appeared from seemingly nowhere, cutting the ties around him.

Yellow fluid went up in the air like a burst pipe.